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Training Needs Analysis (Essay Sample)
Briefly examine the concept of a training needs analysis, and point out when a training needs analysis is necessary.
Training needs analysis
Institutional affiliation
(Date option)
Adequate training relies on knowing the requirements of individuals, departments, and the entire organization. As organizations face limits in budgetary allocations and a rise in the need for cost-effective solutions, it is imperative for organizations to ensure that invested resources in the training activities incline to areas with the dire need for the training. The areas should also have a higher probability of guarantying returns on the investment. As such, effective TNA is especially critical in the dynamics of the business world. Rapidly changing technologies and the urgency to embrace flexibility at the workplace that are gradually changing needed skills, and abilities face businesses. A competent staff is indispensable to gain and maintain competitive advantage.
A TNA process is rigorous and as such, it needs an important trigger. Triggers such as a change in the organization’s value proposition are some of the aspects that could call for a TNA (Watkins, Meiers, & Visser, 2012). However, for situations in which most of the organization’s personnel possess an array of KSAs, it would be imprudent to conduct a TNA; instead, simpler alternatives such as capacity building are better approaches.
As earlier discussed, Training Needs Analysis determines the particular range of the needs that are manageable through training. Nevertheless, it is vital to note that not all needs may prompt the need for training in fixing the perceived issue. A three-tiered approach to analyzing needs exists (Bowman, & Wilson, 2008). Organizational analysis allows the manager to view the performance of the organization and highlights the performance problems in particular departments within the firm (Narasimhan, & Ramanarayanan, 2012). The level of analysis pertains examining the internal environment of the organization. It also extends to possible influences on employee performance and constructing its fit in line with the objective of the organization (Watkins, Meiers, & Visser, 2012). To conduct an organizational analysis, information can stem from channels such as the goals of the organization, its mission statement, and strategies.
At the operational level of analysis, focus shifts to knowledge, skills and capabilities necessary for the execution of specific tasks. Termed the task analysis, it calls for an extensive examination of a task to ease the identification of the abilities needed for the exemplary execution of the task (Lubke, 2011). As Shah, & Gopal, (2012) claim, job descriptions, and performance standards are among the most effective sources of information for the task analysis framework. A manager could ask "highlight the specific tasks you are to accomplish during the workshop," or" "provide an overview of the tasks scheduled for tomorrow in order of priority?â€
A personal analysis on the other hand centers on how well the team or a person carries out their duties. As such, its focus hedges on the evaluation of how well an individual performs their duties. The evaluation is critical in the identification of the employees in need of training and the kind of training required (Lubke, 2011). Performance assessments and attitude surveys are imperative when considering the personal level of analysis.
The key difference between the three frameworks of analysis lies in the mode of analysis of the contexts. The organizational analysis examines the strategies of the organization and the existing practices and their relation to employee output. The operational level studies particular jobs with an aim of determining the requirements in relation to the task in need. The personal analysis examines the employees and seeks to point out if they possess the required exp...
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