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Understanding of Digital Marketing and The Potential of Expanding to Australia (Essay Sample)


Topic: Digital Marketing
The Task
I need you to prepare a written report that I can take to the Board. In general, Board members have only a basic knowledge of the internet and we need a much better understanding of digital marketing, and the potential of expanding into Australia, if we are to be confident of spending money on this.
Please read the attachment carefully and work accordingly. Follow all the steps on the attached document.


Digital Marketing
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Executive Summary
Companies are adopting modern marketing methods and engaging their customers worldwide. This includes making advertisements using computers, mobile phones, and other digital media platforms to advertise products and services. Creating an effective digital marketing strategy is one of the critical steps of the process. This was done by conducting extensive research about the market. First, you need to observe and conduct oral interviews to identify what your customers want. Secondly, make a study of the population distribution of that particular area by determining the ratio of men to women, percentage level of the youth, and estimated size of the aged population. In this case, I found out that Australia is densely populated with age distribution as follows;
Market segmentation is one step of conducting persona research. I went through the social media and did some research on online market reports and came up with the following recommendations; persona research will enable you to focus on the targeted population and provide you with information on a suitable format of advertisement you can use. I also found out that Australia has a good landscape for bike riding, and therefore, it is more likely that the company will do well in that area.

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