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General Crime Trends in America (Essay Sample)


general crime trends in america


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Crime trends in America have been on the decline since 1999. This is due to the combination of regulatory factors by the government. The government came up with policies directed to maintain law and order. These policies aimed at reducing loitering and public drinking. State in America that adopted policies directed at maintaining general law and order experienced reduced crime rate over the years. The citizens’ frame of towards criminal activities also enabled reduce rate of crime in America. The America citizens developed a good relationship with the law enforcement agencies such as state police. This good relationship enabled them to share information related to criminal activities. The information shared enabled enforcement agencies to handle criminal activities effectively and efficiently.
The growth of American economy has also led to decrease in criminal activities since 1999. The growth of economy in America created more job opportunities for its citizens. Due to increase in job availability this reduced the number of people especially youths turning to criminal activities due to unemployment. Due to growth in economy better wages were provided for the job opportunities available hence it increased satisfaction for the employees. Due to employee satisfaction criminal activities such as drug trafficking that are lucrative became less appealing. The judiciary in America played a great role in reducing criminal activities. The judiciary put up severe punishments for those convicted for being involved with criminal activities for the first time. These measures were meant to discourage criminal activities.
Decrease in drug abuse such as cocaine also lead to decrease in crime rates. States that were associated with rampant drug abuse had high crime rates associated with them. Curbing the issue of drug abuse led to decline in criminal activities. The legislation of gun possession has also led to decline in crimes in America since 1999. This ensured that only a few recognised and approved citizens possessed guns.
Crime is an act that contains a wrongdoing or a breach of law that can lead one to be sentenced by the court of law. Crime is very rampant in most parts of the country, especially in slums and ghettos. Acts of crimes include drug and weapon trafficking, robbery with violence and murder cases. Crime trends in America have declined steadily since the year 1999. Various policies and proposals have been established since 1999 to reduce crimes in America. Since the 1990’s research has shown that crime has reduced by one - third from the previous years. Some of the citizens in America regard the decline have been due to the tough rule of law and people going to jail. Other people have proposed that the crime rate has declined to growth of the economy since 1999.
Some people also believe that laws to stop loitering and drunkenness in public has also reduced crimes. Reducing of the drug trafficking market has also caused a reduction in crimes. However, there have been known clear reason, there have been a crime drop in America since 1999 (Friedman W 2012).Although there aren’t clear factors as to why crime rates have declined since the 1990’s, some real factors have also been figured out which shows why the crime rates have reduced as shown below.
The need to identify the major causes for decrease in crime rate in America is real. By so doing the people of America will know the truth behind the decrease in crime since 1999.This essay seeks to find the truth regarding crime rate trends in America since 1999. Developing countries faced with rampant crime issues ought to seek advice from the American government on how to implement these strategies so as to ensure great reduction in crime in their countries. The American government should preserve these strategies used to successfully reduce crimes in the preservation is necessary in order to provide reference in the future if faced with the same problem again. America has played a major role in fighting crimes in its country and also has provided a benchmark for other countries to learn from.
One of the major reasons that have caused a decline in crime trends in America since 1999 is due to increase in law enforcement from the officers. Law officers have caused a decline in crime activities by coming up with policies directed to maintain law and order. These policies have focused on reducing low levels of crimes such as public drinking and loitering. This reduction of little crimes has further led to the reduction of high- level crimes such as robbery with violence. States in America that have undertaken this policy have shown a significant decline in crimes since 1999 than those that don’t use this policy.
Another cause of a significant decline in crimes in America since 1999 is due to citizen’s frame of mind towards criminal activities. The action of the society in working together with the law enforcer’s agencies or rather the police has caused a great decline in crime activities in America. Also, kids who have seen some of their family members or friends shot or have had drug addiction problems have also avoided committing crimes. The reason behind this is that the juveniles wouldn’t want such actions to happen to them, and therefore they avoid committing crimes. An increase in usage of security gadgets at homes due to worry of crime have led to a decline in the theft of property thus leading to decrease in crimes. The community and the police working together have led to a decline in crimes.
The growth of the American economy has also led to a decline in crime activities in America since 1999. The increase in job availability in America has led to a decline in crimes in America. A job keeps one busy and therefore he will not have any time to be involved in crimes. Jobs with better wages for the workers with low skills have caused a significant decrease in crimes in America. Selling of drugs and robbery has declined due to the youth being employed and having better wages. The good American economy has also led to decreasing poverty levels. Poverty is one major cause of crimes and thus a reduction in levels of poverty has lead to the reduction of levels of crime.
Another cause of the reduction in crime trends in America since 1999 is due to actions of other bodies of the criminal justice organ such as the judiciary, probation, and prosecutorial. The judiciary especially the lower court has been very aggressive with the citizens performing crimes for the first time. Any criminal found with an offence could be subjected services for the community, programs to treat drug addiction problems and to go to juvenile. These actions have led to a decrease in criminal activities in America since 1999. The judic...
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