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Response to Blackboard Post (Essay Sample)

The task required the student to respond to a blackboard post. The blackboard post was provided in the task materials APA 7 Paper instructions "Provide a 275 word response to your classmates postings (one for each of the scenarios)." In this particular scenario of “The New Flight Commander Trials” without knowing the background of the squadron, I would say they are sheep and contributors. The article makes me think that the squadron at one point had some type of buy in, but may have lost it with the changeover. In the article it talks about contributors being able to maximize their inputs if they put energy into understanding the boss’s perspective, gained through relationship building (Latour and Rast n.d., 106). If the Bravo Flight were to fall under “contributors”, I would recommend first to start building a level of trust. The article talks about how the Jones Family brings in a former manager as a CEO and he displayed a large meeting on his own analyzing the performance of the company and planning its future. The CEO also talked about what he wanted to execute and what his plans were for the future of the company (Latour and Rast n.d., 107). Creating a relationship with individuals and explaining a way forward can make an impact to show priorities. Once you create boundaries with individuals, you can then begin building a relationship. This scenario is something I have seen played out several times, almost every time I have seen a new commander come in. People have a hard time with change. Building relationships is mentoring. Spending one on one time with individuals and asking them about their concerns or challenges can set a great platform to understanding individuals working in your organization. I have always been one to share my experiences; it is a great way to relate to others. This particular scenario talks about how the Captain had a meeting to “show them who the boss was” and how the Captain “doesn’t nag them or micromanage.” This sort of approach can be misunderstood like how the article explains; our culture has a tendency to reward individuals who publicly stand in the limelight and to overlook those who do the heavy lifting behind the scenes (Latour and Rast n.d., 108). This will often times not sit well with individuals you are leading; it is as if you are “better” than they are. This Captain needs to take a step back and build trust between these individuals. Building trust can be hard work and can take more than just a meeting to explain your vision. I would suggest the Captain emerge himself within the squadron and invite any feedback the group may have for the Bravo Flight. Having a good form of communication and understanding the successes and failures of the group is also something the Captain could hone in on. I think the Captain has focused more on himself and trying to be “friends” with the group and less on what the priorities are and how to get their together as a team. source..
Response to Blackboard Post Student’s Name Department, Institution Course Name Professor Date of Submission Response to Blackboard Post I agree with you that if the contributors concentrate their energy on knowing the boss’s perspective, they are more likely to maximize their input. The employees are more productive if they have an understanding of the boss’s aim. After the workers have understood the goals outlined by the management, they gain a comprehensive idea of what is expected of them, which leads them to work towards the goal without fear of disappointing the supervisor. Nevertheless, I have doubts about your statement that forming boundaries first is important in a relationship. Hence forth, the commander or the boss should first establish a friendly relationship with his or her employees to gain their trust and then set the rules of the relationship (Prentice, 2004). With the presence of respect, the employees are more willing to accept the terms and follow without much objection. Saying that sharing of personal experiences and challenges with other individuals builds a bond among them, you are also expressing my point of view. People sympathize with other people’s experiences because they see common features that they too possess. As far as I understand, you claim that the captain should provide a neutral environment and the squadron should be provided with a chance to c...
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