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Conditions and Stigma (Essay Sample)


The essay examines stigma associated with HIV/AIDS PATIENTS

Conditions and stigma
AIDS refers to the eventual stage of HIV infection. A person infected with this virus is diagnosed with AIDS when they acquire more than one opportunistic illness like tuberculosis or pneumonia, and have a seriously low level of CD4+T cells (MedlinePlus 1). HIV affects the individual first at the biological level as an aggressive virus which jeopardizes immunity. Every illness experience manifests a dramatic and unique negative experience for the affected person; it is linked with authentic and profound psychological engagements of the patients and the important persons in their lives.
Personal complexities of AIDS
Perhaps, the most imperative element in producing and expanding the negative psychological impact of AIDS is stigma. As a result, action to lessen or secure affected persons against stigma might be the most crucial step that can be taken to enhance the psychological welfare of people with AIDS (HIV Australia 1). Stigma refers to an act of recognizing, labeling, or attributing negative qualities to those who are professed as being shamefully deviant and different from the social ideal.
Stigma discourages people from talking about AIDS as a main cause of death and illness. It prevents sick persons from seeking medical assistance, counseling, and psychosocial care, and taking preventive actions to avoid infecting other people. Furthermore, preventive behaviors are also stigmatized, and people are unwilling to introduce behaviors that could link them with the disease like use of condom, some medications, and infant formula when necessary. Even though stigma is reduced, an incurable and normally fatal illness calls for enormous psychosocial changes. People diagnosed with AIDS experience numerous emotional reactions identified in persons facing a terminal diseases. They often undergo the initial phase of denial. AIDS endangers a person’s life, expectations, goals, and significant relations and the affected persons are usually reluctant to admit that they are infected (HIV Australia 1).
Political complexities of AIDS
The scenario of AIDS contributes to the complexity of health profiles of populace internationally and may have an impact on the predictability of present health evolution approaches. This epidemiological complexity creates new hypothetical challenges and the need for a joint view based on a social ecosystem viewpoint. The increasing intensity of these situations has favored quick growth of AIDS into a pandemic with dramatic political and economic impact internationally particularly in undeveloped countries. The governments are trying to control the disease by providing ARV’s although the increasing number of persons with the diseases is ever rising especially in the undeveloped nations hence causing a financial challenge to those countries (Population division 4).
Role of stigma
AIDS-linked stigma is not a clear-cut observable fact as attitudes towards the disease and those affected differ hugely. Even in one country responses to AIDS will vary between people and groups. Gender, religion, age, sexuality, and levels of AIDS enlighten can all have an impact on how someone feels about AIDS. The reason why Aids is stigmatized is because most people associate it with immorality. They believe that people who have the disease engage in careless sexual activities hence, they find these people to be a shame to the society (HIV Australia 1). AIDS discrimination and stigma exist globally even though they manifest themselves diversely across communities, countries, individuals, and religious groups. They take place alongside other types of discrimination and stigma, like racism based on color, misogyny or homophobia, and can be directed to those who are involved in socially unacceptable acts like drug use or prostitution. Stigma makes it harder for people struggling to come to terms with AIDS and manage their condition on an individual level. It also distracts efforts to fight AIDS epidemic/ on a state level, the stigma linked with AIDS can discourage governments from taking speedy, effectual actions against the disease. On an individual level, stigma can make persons unwilling to access testing, care, and treatment (Anish et el 1).
High blood pressure
This is a widespread condition in which the vigor of the blood against a person’s artery walls is elevated enough that it might in the end bring about health issues like heart disease and stroke (Andy’s story 1). If ones blood pressure is higher than normal, it requires close monitoring till it is controlled. Doctors usually advice changes to the patient’s lifestyles and, at times, medication to accomplish this. Nearly 67 million Americans have HBP; about half of this population has the condition under control (Million Hearts 3).
Personal complexity of high blood pressure
Psychological strain has been reported to be linked with BP and adverse cardiovascular profile. Even so, due to the complexity of individual stress management, a multi-level anxiety measurement tactic is required. With the ever rising financial needs in the world today, a lot of people have resolved to taking up more than one job so as to accomplish their financial needs. As a result, they strain so much that their blood levels go higher than normal hence, the condition. This makes the strain even worse especially when the doctor advices them to undertake less strenuous jobs hence less money. Even so, these people require enlightenment and support from friends and family for purposes of fighting the battle successfully (Ad Council 1).Political complexity of high blood pressure
The control and prevention of BP also referred to as hypertension calls for political will on the government side and policy makers with the attempts of health workers, the civil society, research community, families, private sector, and individuals. The government has a responsibility of implementing public health interventions and policies that are sustainable, affordable, and cost effective. They also need to bring together hypertension management programs that address overall cardiovascular risk as a core part of national tactics for the control and prevention of conditions like BP.
Role of stigma
HBP is not a condition people can identify by just looking at somebody. There are various risk factors for getting BP like lifestyle, age, family history, and diet. The exact causes have ...
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