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Beyond Parental Accord: Adolescents' Unrestricted Access to Birth Control (Essay Sample)


In this essay, I was required to discuss the need to allow teenage access to birth control without parental consent.


Beyond Parental Accord: Adolescents’ Unrestricted Access to Birth Control
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Sex is a sensitive, inevitable topic that every parent or guardian should be ready for at some point in life. If handled with the care and wit it deserves, talks regarding sexuality can be quite successful; however, inappropriate approach or total avoidance can only have a deleterious impact on the life of a child. Unsurprisingly, the present society is replete with sexual innuendos, which youngsters imbibe from the mainstream media, models, and peers. This early exposure normalizes indiscriminate engagement in sexual activities, thus increasing the risk of conception among inexperienced teens. These teenagers should, therefore, have unrestricted access to birth control without the consent of their parents.
Adolescence is characterized by numerous challenges and problems which heighten the risk of unwanted pregnancies among pubescent girls. During this time, juveniles experience personal fable; they believe that bad things cannot happen to them, they cannot conceive, or even contract diseases even if they have unprotected sex (Adler, Moore, & Tschann, 2014). Likewise, they struggle with the identity crisis, and they may emulate the behavior of older individuals. Their friend cycle may also comprise sexually active peers who have influencing effect. Unfortunately, all these changes occur at a time when parents have no control over all decisions their children make when they are out of sight.
Teenage girls deserve protection nonetheless. Few teenagers dare to ask their parents about birth control. Part of the reason is that they fear that such a discussion would imply that they are sexually active. Who wants their mother to know that her sixteen-year-old daught...
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