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AIDS Testing for College Students (Essay Sample)


HIV testing for University students


Should College students be tested for AIDS?
The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a high-risk global problem, and young people, especially those living in the college environment, are at high risk because of various reasons. Research has shown that college students are at high risk of acquiring AIDS and have a poor perception of this problem. Adedeji et al. (2009) state, “Students… engaged in various HIV risk behaviors but have a poor appreciation of their risk of HIV infection.”
One of the causes of the high risk of AIDS is a lack of knowledge about this subject. Many students don’t get tested for AIDS because of the fear of discrimination. This situation had aggravated the risk of AIDS among students. Many colleges have developed help centers to support students facing this problem. 
The college students must be tested for AIDS because there is a high risk that they can spread the disease to their partners. Therefore, a person must inform his or her partner about his situation, and it is only possible when he gets tested for AIDS.
The need for testing AIDS is also necessary because AIDS is an incurable disease. The seriousness of this problem demands that preventive measures are essential to stop the spread of AIDS.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Preve

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