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Amazon (Essay Sample)

Amazon is in the process of revolutionizing the way in which their packages are delivered. In case you are unaware, they are working towards using flying drone vehicles to deliver packages to customers in 60 minutes or less. To become more familiar with the type of change that Amazon has in the works, please click on the link below and read the following article: For your posting, please address the following questions about Amazon's drone delivery service: 1.Do you think that this is a safe and welcome proposition? Could this affect air traffic or introduce environmental concerns? 2.What other concerns are there with drone usage according to the literature? Be sure to refer to the article above only as a starting point. 3.How much would you be willing to pay for such a quick and convenient service? Or would you rather not support these types of deliveries? source..
Amazon Student’s Name Professor’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name Date Amazon Amazon's idea to deploy aerial drones for delivery has been adequately thought out to assure safety and have a minimal negative impact on the environment. The business has indicated that the drones will fly below 400 feet, avoid commercial air traffic, and feature a range of sensors and cameras to help them prevent obstructions and make safe deliveries (The Wall Street, 2015 p. 2). There are still a few potential problems, though, that must be considered. For example, drones may not directly disrupt commercial air traffic, but they may nevertheless interfere with other types of aircraft, such helicopters and private planes. Drones flying over residential areas might also cause noise pollution or raise privacy issues. However, using drones for deliveries may increase environmental problems, such as their emissions or effects on nearby species (Jung & Kim, 2017, p. 2). Thus, even if employing drones for delivery has a lot of potential advantages, it is crucial to weigh the risks and take precautions to reduce them. Amazon and other businesses looking into drone deliveries will need to collaborate closely with authorities, locals, and environmental organizations to ensure that their plans are secure and sustainable. Further issues with drone use, according to the literature, include privacy, safety, airspace regulation, security, and more. Drones' ability to take pictures and videos of people and their surroundings can generate privacy concerns. Second, drones can malfunction or crash, which could endanger people or damage pro...
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