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American Breakfast is Often a Desert; Hot and Cold Cereals (Essay Sample)


American breakfast is often a desert; hot and cold cereals are consumed with sugary syrups and processed fruit. Belluz and Zarracina wrote the article, "We need to Call American Breakfast What It Often Is: Desert," discussing how Americans often consume large amounts of processed foods and reduce their consumption of fruits and vegetables. They call it a "civilization-threatening epidemic ."They also say that this "epidemic" is pervasive in the United States, while other countries like Japan are taking steps to fight it more aggressively. They also make a series of suggestions to help reduce the negative impact of eating unhealthy food at breakfast


American Breakfast is Often a Desert; Hot and Cold Cereals

American breakfast is often a desert; hot and cold cereals are consumed with sugary syrups and processed fruit. Belluz and Zarracina wrote the article, "We need to Call American Breakfast What It Often Is: Desert," discussing how Americans often consume large amounts of processed foods and reduce their consumption of fruits and vegetables. They call it a "civilization-threatening epidemic ."They also say that this "epidemic" is pervasive in the United States, while other countries like Japan are taking steps to fight it more aggressively. They also make a series of suggestions to help reduce the negative impact of eating unhealthy food at breakfast. This article will discuss rhetorical strategies in the report, which include; Statistics strategy, illustrative anecdote strategy, appeal to authority strategy, and use of credible sources strategy (Larsson et al. 20).
The article uses statistics as a rhetorical strategy in its presentation "The truth about breakfast is that it has rarely if ever, eaten with relish. Americans eat less than half of their daily caloric intake after lunch." Statistics strategy is used in the article to persuade the reader. Statistically, Americans love their coffee, and it is the most affordable drink they can buy at any time of the day. Another rhetorical strategy used in the article is the author's use of interviewees' or expert views as opposed to that of theory. In this way, the article provides a good background for those unfamiliar with its subject area with their own experiences and opinions. This is not just simply evident from their lack of technical jargon but also their frequent use of the word "we ."They do not just want to present facts but want to give an idea of what this means to them as individuals (Larsson et al. 15).

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