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Analysis Of Employee Engagement At Metro Dental Services (Essay Sample)


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Analysis of Employee Engagement at Metro Dental Services
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Analysis of Employee Engagement at Metro Dental Services
In any given organization, employees are prudent elements that determine failure and success of an organization. This is determined by administrative approaches on supervisions of their daily obligations. On the other hand, proper management of employees at all times provides them with a high self-esteem as well as a high morale to carry out their paramount duties without fear or favor hence they guarantee to deliver quality services at their scope of disposal. Therefore, the paper entails the survey of employee engagement as a tool to measure service delivery at Metro Dental Services; the healthcare organization. The paper is prepared with highlights of employees feelings on leaders, workplace settings, and organization. The paper also entails data from surveyed field and on how to improve on key areas of weakness and applaud areas of strength in references to data obtained from the survey. Finally, the paper entails steps to take as a manager of at Metro Dental Services; health organization to improve on said weakness for a better running and operations (Flynn et al., 2015).
Areas of Strength
The survey interpretation entails Metro Dental Services with a score measure that considers a number of factors with every factor having a specific score. Every scope is given a green light due to responses obtained from a number of stakeholders of an organization who were participants of the case study (Bailey et al., 2017). Under communication, the survey information shows 67 percent favorable, 5 percent not applicable and 28 percent unfavorable. Thus doctor-patient communication, nurse-patient communication is very effective since 67 percentages indicate a proper relationship where patients normally get best services at their scope of disposal; while staff responsiveness alongside managerial supervision is at 66 positives where management has no ample time with staffs in duty delegations within their respective capacities (Anthony‐McMann et al., 2017).
Metro Dental Services has a very good working condition at 90 percent favorable with only 9 percentages unfavorable. This illustrates an excellent managerial skill where management has provided every needed element to see a conducive working atmosphere for workers despite having low benefits. Metro Dental Services as well undertakes customers as key determinants of organization by offering them the best services ever. For proper functioning of an organization, management should properly engage human resource management in training and equipping workers with relevant skills at different capacity they hold in the organization. Thus in this scenario, 79 percent is credited training as a favorable element while 19 percent is unfavorable at the same time. Training and empowerment in an organization are tools to consider when human resource management is set to determine future human resource growth and development. Empowerment mostly enables workers to be determinant and such factors guarantee quality service delivery at all times (Mete, Davies & Whelan, 2017).
Teamwork is a prudent element in service delivery. Metro Dental Services is determined by teamwork at 76 percent favorable with 22 percent unfavorable. This has given this organization a better bargaining power in terms of service delivery. However, work demand supervision at Metro Dental Services is at 68 and 66 percent respectively (Flynn et al., 2015).
Areas of Weakness
The relationship between staffs and patients is not perfect at 58 percent with 36 percent unfavorable. Sometimes management is not within the expectation of employees. On the other hand, recognition of staffs at different levels by management is not more effective. This is because as per the survey data, it indicates to be 57 percent while participation at 56 percent making Metro Dental services less effective (Anthony et al., 2017).
Every time employees need more opportunities for advancement despite payment they receive. With this data, advancement opportunities at Metro Dental Services are at 54 percent with 40 unfavorable within scope and disposal of human resources. Having limited chances to explore academic progression Metro Dental Services has workers that are limited within their scope of understanding with little research and development. Payment is another issue where 46 percent is unfavorable to many workers while only 39 percent is favorable. This has made the relationship between workers and administration to be less effective. However, employee’s benefit is very poor with 61 percent unfavorable while only 19 percent favorable. This means that when there is a poor employee benefit in any given organization, then there is the very high probability for them to deliver poor services as an outcome of such menace (Shirin & Kleyn, 2017).
While communication is a vital item that determines workflow in different management level and patients. Upward or down word form of communication at all times informs, educates as well as sensitizes all stakeholders of organization on sensitive matters which might need immediate actions. Thus rating communication at 67 in this scenario is not efficient since communication needs to be highly acknowledged at all times for proper operations and running of the organization. Therefore, the overall scale score is at 68 percent favorable while 26.2 unfavorable with 5.8 percent inapplicable responses from a total of 112 participants (Flynn et al., 2015).
Strategies to improve Areas of Weakness
There are some issues that need immediate address to see things work effectively.
Thus improving on weaknesses, Metro Dental Services needs to implement a number of policies. The issue of doctor-patient communication needs to improve from its current average score of 68 percent favorable while 26.2 unfavorable with 5.8 percent inapplicable responses from a total of 112 participants to up to the most favorable scores. First, communication needs to be addressed since it has 67 percent favorable. This is because communication is a vital item that determines workflow in different management level and patients. Upward or down word form of communication at all times informs, educates as well as sensitizes all stakeholders of the organization on sensitive matters which might need immediate actions (Saks, 2017).
Also, employee benefits need to have an immediate action by providing amendment policies that will enable Metro Dental Services to offer favorable benefits to employees. In most cases, a motivational employee is one that guarantees quality services; and motivation comes in various forms that are not limited to allowances, such as overtime payments, weekend payments, insurance cover to employees, medical cover, internal incentives and good retirement scheme. Payment is also another issue that needs ratification where 46 percent is unfavorable to many workers while only 39 percent. This has made the relationship between workers and ...
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