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The Line between Conflict Management and Anger Management (Essay Sample)


Differentiate between anger management and conflict management


The Line between Conflict Management and Anger Management
The Line between Conflict Management and Anger Management
Conflict and anger management differ on the grounds of their nature. Conflict management may require involving a third party to settle a dispute, and this often means the use of a mediator. In other words, for conflict management the conflicting parties, more often than not are willing to participate in settling the issue more calmly and objectively. On the other hand, anger management refers to individuals that have a conflict and worse still, fueled by emotion (Walters, 2006). Whenever a conflict sparks feelings of anger, the next step is usually lashing out on the involved party that often results in physical or verbal manifestations. The party dealing with anger can either result in hurling insults or use physical force to the party involved. Therefore, whenever a person undergoes an anger management program the person learns how to manage this negative emotion.

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