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Academia Research: Comparison Between Beowulf And Today's Heroes (Essay Sample)
Comparison Between Beowulf and Today's Heroes
Beowulf. Vs. Today’s Heroes
Joshua Munyalo
Academia Research
Beowulf Vs. Today’s Heroes
Today’s heroes who live by virtue through demonstrating generosity, love and bravery deserve an epic poem. Beowulf lived in a world where fame was the only lasting thing and pride to the point of arrogance was acceptable. Cultures have transformed over the years, but the values have remained ever since. Beowulf’s approach towards life’s contemporary issues still echoes in today’s heroes. In this essay, I will consider my hero to be any modern soldier who fights for peace in their country. Modern combat troops have similar values to Beowulf’s regarding their bravery, virtuous lives and sense of responsibility. Besides, they receive special treatment from the society. They are undaunted by challenges, big-hearted and clear-eyed.
In the epic poem, Beowulf uses his brawn to fight monsters. He even goes an extra mile and travels widely so as to demonstrate his physical strength. Bravery sees him tear off Grendel’s hand with his bare hands, thereby killing him. Later on, when Grendel’s mother decides to seek revenge, Beowulf slashes off her head with her sword. Modern-day soldiers fight insecurity which is like a monster. They set out of their families to peace-keeping missions and prove their courage against their foes. They engage in ferocious combats against their enemies and eventually win. For instance, the American soldiers who are fighting day and night to ensure a terror free world. They stayed in Iraq until it was no longer a haven for terrorists who were plotting to shell masses mercilessly. Eventually, they were able to perform an attack that saw Al-Qaida’s leader, Osama Bin Laden killed. Just like Beowulf always won against his enemies, soldiers too, eventually win against insecurity (“Beowulf compared to modern-day heroes”, n.d.).
Beowulf lives by moral ethics in the way he spares Grendel’s mother after his first battle. He understands his duty is to protect people from attacks by the supernatural monsters. Since Grendel’s mother has not been launching attacks against humanity, Beowulf decides to spare her. However, after Grendel’s mom discovers that he is dead, she goes ahead to get revenge. She kills Hrothgar’s most loyal soldier violently, and Beowulf, out of a natural intuition to protect humanity he engages in a fight with her which proceeds to her lair where Beowulf finally wins. Typically, modern-day soldiers do not launch attacks on innocent people; they document evidence first which merits them to kill. When Hrothgar rewards Grendel for his bravery, he demonstrates his generosity by sharing the fortune with his people. Same with modern-day troops, they offer their lives for the security of their populations. Beowulf’s values and attributes still live on today among soldiers (Beowulf compared to modern-day heroes”, n.d.).
When Beowulf becomes aware of King Hrothgar’s troubles in the great hall of Heorot, he decides to help him out of the situation. He feels that it is his responsibility to assist those who can not stand on their own. He sets out on a journey to Heorot to save the king’s soldiers from Grendel. Modern American troops are working in different parts of the world to ensure peace and order in politically unstable countries. They leave their homeland and head to far-flung regions of the world where hostility is the order of the day just to ensure humanity is safe from the insecurity monster. They do it out of love, compassion and sense of responsibility. When a slave steals a dragon’s cup of gold, the dragon starts setting ablaze everything in sight. Beowulf feels the need to protect his people from the fierce dragon, thereby getting into a violent fight with it. Eventually, with the help of his loyal soldier, they sever the dragon’s body, but Beowulf succumbs to mortal wounds. He dies for his kinsmen because he understands it is the purpose of his life. Modern-day soldiers are shelled every day in societies mired in conflict. Just like Beowulf fights for those who can not stand out, combat troops stand squarely by people whose voices and freedom are stifled by their monster-like leaders who do not want to relinquish power. They are cracking down on insecurity each and every day of their lives. They directly follow in Beowulf’s footsteps (Beowulf compared to modern-day heroes”, n.d.).
We also see an echo of Beowulf’s life in today’s heroes through the special treatment they are accorded by the society. After Beowulf has defeated both Grendel and his mother, he is awarded many gifts, in conjunction with the sword Naegling, the king’s family’s heirloom. Later on, when he arrives back home, he is made the king owing to his bravery. Likewise, today’s soldiers are ever respected for their noble task of ensuring that peace prevails. They are paid to join troops; they enter college at no cost including their families and secure good jobs when they are of age. When a soldier succumbs to injuries in a battle, their families receive compensation from the government. Beowulf’s treatment by his contemporary society is similar to the treatment received by today’s soldiers. In both cases, the heroes are accorded great treatment (“Beowulf compared to modern-day heroes”, n.d.).
Despite the many similarities the Anglo-Saxon hero and today’s heroes share, there are some instances in which they greatly contrast. For example...
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