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Biggest Crimes Must Be Punished Severely Research Assignment (Essay Sample)
To write and argue whether the biggest crimes should be given the most strict and final SENTENCE so that those who tend to commit CRIMINAL acts may be deterred from dong so. The sample shows that crime does not pay and that those who commit crimes should expect to get the maximum sentence that the law may have for that particular crime.
Biggest crimes must be punished severely
19-03 2018
The world is becoming a global village and many more people are getting desperate since they do not have any work to do and many of them elect to get into committing crimes. There are many people who commit very serious crimes and when they are taken to court they deny ever doing so as if they are not remorseful at all.
These kind of people especially those who kill and take professional attorneys to plead for their innocence should get the worst final sentence when the judge finds them guilt. They should not be given less sentences just because they plead that they were not in their normal senses when they were committing the crimes.
Some of the most notorious criminals who deal with drugs have made very many people to become addicted to the drugs and they end up raking millions which they use to bribe law enforcement officers to get away with the crimes.
There should be a law that should be enforced on criminals who are hell bent on making other innocent people to go through much pain because of them. The law should be so deterrent that if they were shot on sight when committing the crimes the other people who may wish to get rich quickly by committing similar crimes would be wary not to do so.
For instance the innocent killings of students by other crime bent students would not have happened if the guns were not allowed. The parents in many homes have guns which they tell their children that they are to be used to kill anybody who they think is a bother to them.
A law that would make people realize that committing a serious crime would earn a criminal a final sentence that shakes their whole being, should be put in place so that many people who may wish to commit crimes should realize that crime does not pay. People who commit the biggest crimes should be punished by the most final of all sentences.
Many crimes are committed because the prospective criminals do not know it is wrong ...
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