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Building a Positive Environment in a Second Language Classroom (Essay Sample)

the sample provides an overview of the approaches commonly used in teaching second languages. notably, learning a second language requires proper training, commitment, and guidance. For teachers, an important part of the practice and experience is developing the right environment. The right environmnt is the one that facilitates learning and motivates students to focus and coordinate with their trainers and colleagues. source..
Building a Positive Environment in a Second Language Classroom Author name Institutional affiliation Course number and name Instructor name Assignment due date Building a Positive Environment in a Second Language Classroom Working in a second language classroom is a challenging endeavor, even for experienced teachers and contributors. Language barriers, loneliness, limited support, and inadequate resources are common problems in a second-language classroom. Teachers in second-language classrooms can improve their outcomes by finding better methods of delivering the main message and involving students in their main methods and approaches. Also, teachers can build a positive environment by crafting culturally competent content, implementing standardized rules, and fostering student connections. Storytelling is essential to building a positive environment in a second language classroom because it guides students to build empathy with the characters they encounter in stories and improves their understanding of themselves and other learners. Part 1. Deconstructing the Message Step 1. Selection The classroom is designed to support learning and language improvement for second-language learners. The goal is to build a positive environment where students are encouraged to learn and socialize with their colleagues and teachers. The plan for building a positive environment is to engage students and improve their understanding of the role of communication and interaction during classroom sessions. Students may encounter numerous challenges when trying to learn new languages and keeping pace with the sessions’ progress and requirements. The teacher’s role is to motivate students and increase their commitment to the learning process. Teaching proficiency through the reading and storytelling (TPRS) method will be implemented to build and sustain a positive learning environment. Implementing TPRS with modifications boosts a positive learning environment by encouraging storytelling, availing more visual elements, and providing clear instructions (Roof & Kreutter, 2010). Step 2. Analysis The PSA message calls are based on creating a positive environment to meet student's needs in a second language class. Creating a positive environment starts by fostering better relationships between teachers and students. Further, the PSA message supports the use of storytelling techniques such as converging ideas, sparklines, nested loops, and monomyths to capture students’ attention and increase their commitment to learning new languages. Cooperation between students and teachers is a highly effective approach to building and sustaining a positive environment because it facilitates the leveraging of available resources, ideas, and innovations. Furthermore, the PSA emphasizes the role of student participation when implementing plans for building a positive learning environment. Sparklines and nested loops are essential tools when engaging students. Teachers can boost students’ motivation and motivation by guiding their use of sparklines. Sparklines on visual charts will improve students’ learning and understanding of new language concepts and socialization patterns. Improved socialization will provide more room for learning new language concepts, ideas, and perceptions. Part 2. Distilling a Strategy Step 3. Choose Kianipour and Hoseini (2012) examine the effectiveness of choice theory on teachers' effectiveness and students' succeeding achievement. Glasser's choice theory explains that individuals have the power to control themselves and limited powers to control others. Additionally, the choice theory explains that people control their actions and feelings based on their personal situations, interpretations, activities, perceptions, and experiences. Glasser emphasizes that human behaviors are influenced by the desire to satisfy five needs: survive, have fun, be free, and be loved and accepted (Kianipour & Hoseini, 2012). When individuals build and strengthen their self-control, they make better and more responsible decisions and choices. Glasser recommends the adoption of connecting relationship habits like negotiating, respecting, trusting, accepting, listening, encouraging, and supporting (Kianipour & Hoseini, 2012). Shaping individual behaviors and experiences is integral to meeting set goals and objectives. Here, the objective is to ensure learners understand changing ideas, perspectives, and developments for meeting diverse needs. The choice theory provides the foundation for building strength and facilitating team development. The teacher's role is to help students discover their strengths and competencies. Further, the teacher will provide new ideas and ways of supporting individual situations and interactions. The objective is to provide additional methods of evaluating personal skills and strengths. When students realize their strengths, they will focus on themselves and find elaborate means of meeting set goals and objectives. Further, students are encouraged to focus on having fun and being free. When students have fun, they have better chances of improving their learning outcomes. The teacher can intervene by creating an environment where the students feel loved, appreciated, and recognized. Also, the teacher is responsible for assessing students' communication and socialization habits. The language barrier is a common problem in second-language classrooms. The teacher can address the language barrier problem by encouraging students to learn and recognize diverse lessons and experiences. Here, the objective is to provide new approaches to leveraging existing resources and tools to improve self-control and self-esteem. Step 4. Create A new way of delivering the PSA message is inviting stakeholders to a workshop meeting. During the meeting, the speaker will introduce students, teachers, and other participants to select methods and strategies for building and sustaining a positive environment in a second language classroom. The speaker will present the main strategies, including storytelling, the use of visual aids, and the delivery of clear instructions. Storytelling will be emphasized as the main method of motivating students to learn new language concepts and socialize with colleagues. Also, the speaker will provide additional notes regarding the program’s successes and challenges. Attendees will be allowed to ask a question regarding the program’s effectiveness and foreseeable problems. The speaker must present potential solutions for addressing the problems. Step 5. Explain The proposed strategy will build a positive learning environment to improve learning in a second-language classroom. Recommended strategies for building a positive learning environment are storytelling, teaching proficiency, availing added visual elements and providing clear instructions. Storytelling builds empathy and improves students' understanding of personal competencies, attributes, and commitments. Improved student empathy increases personal recognition, self-esteem, and commitment to learning (Kusumaningputri, 2020). Visual element...
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