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Communications Article Assignment: To Text or Not to Text (Essay Sample)


Article Review
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Communication refers to the act of conveying information from one individual or place to another. In "To Text or Not to Text", Lindsey and Thomas encountered communication setbacks while dating. The main communication channel they used to communicate was through text messages. Lindsey was not comfortable when using this communication channels since she did not perceive it to be effective communication. According to Lindsey, she preferred phone calls or face-to-face communication rather than using text messages. She was not used to using text messages as a communication channel, and she rarely used it. In this regard, Lindsey preferred verbal communication while Thomas preferred written communication thus leading to a conflict (Lindsey, 2016).
Lindsey’s communication style was Passive communication. This is because she avoided expressing her feelings or opinions to Thomas despite her being hurt by the communication channel that Thomas used regularly to communicate with her. She allowed the annoyances as well as grievances to mount rather than directly communication to Thomas about her opinions or feelings. This continued as she expected Thomas to invite her for another date but this seemed not to happen contrary to her expectations. However, after sometimes Lindsey could not hide her feelings anymore after reaching her high tolerance threshold thus leading to explosive outburst but later she felt guilt and shame due to the outburst. Thomas was surprised since he was not aware of the conflict i...
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