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Establishing and/or Updating a Company Recycling Program (Essay Sample)


Using apa format, write 1500 word essay about company recycle PROGRAM


Establishing and/or Updating a Company Recycling Program
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Waste recycling is the aim of any government rather than send the waste to dustbins and pins. Recycling is also important for companies since it helps them in keeping the environment clean as well as saves on the cost of waste management. The concept of recycling has been established in many government departments, companies, as well as organizations, with the aim of helping to keep the environment safe and friendly and also reduce the cost of waste management. Updating a company's recycling program where one exist will help in making the process cheaper while establishing such a program to make it up-to-date will help a company in proper waste management. This review looks at different journals that discuss the concept of recycling regarding the structuring of the program to make it more convenient, easy and accurate, the benefits of the programs, and the cost of establishing such a program as well as the general reasons of establishing a company recycling program. The review will not concentrate on the complex structure of the recycling processes.
Background review and synthesis of literature
The structure of the recycling process can make it less costly or more costly than waste disposal. According to Andrews, Gregore, Rasmussen, and Witowich (2017), the authors of comparison of recycling outcomes in three types of recycling collection, the physical structure of the recycling bin may have an impact of the process and accuracy of the recycling process. To make the recycling process less costly and more accurate, it is important to have multiple bins with separate papers, commingled and trash bins (Andrews et al., 2017). Therefore, updating any particular company recycling program to make it more efficient will make the process of recycling more accurate and therefore save on the cost of the waste management process. Andrews's et al. (2017) suggests including a trash bin next to a recycling bin to minimize the chances of contamination in the recycling bin. Also, in the process of updating the company's recycling programs, it is important to ensure that the recycling process more convenient and therefore easy to comply with. According to Hassiotis (2015), if the process of recycling is not convenient, people will end up not complying with the process, and therefore the waste will end up in the landfill. Therefore, it is important for the company to also ways remind its customers.
Hassiotis (2015) in the study how to design sustainable products for recycling by the end user suggests some ways of making the recycling process easy. Some of the tips of making the process easy include detailed instructions of the recycling, avoiding paints on plastics and containers to avoid contamination as well as teaching the customers how to sort the waste products before putting them in the recycling bin. Mozo-Reyes, Jambeck, Rennes, and Johnson (2016) also suggest some ways that can make the process of recycling more convenient and accurate. Some of the suggestions include introducing electronically delivered stimuli which appeal to many groups psychologically leading to behavioral changes. Introducing classic reinforcement principle in the recycling process makes more groups interested in the process and thereby making the process easier and more convenient. Therefore, updating a company's recycling process through the increased use of technology will enhance the accuracy of the process. These save the company some cash that could have been used in the waste management process. According to Mozo-Reyes, Jambeck, Rennes, and Johnson (2016), using technology as a tool of enhancing the recycling process increases the community interest in the process which can further save the company some money.
According to Linden and Carlson-Kanyama (2003) and Abbott, Nandeibam, and Oshea (2017), the success of the recycling process depends on the physical, administration and the information measures of the recycling policy. Exclusion of certain waste minimizing strategies in the waste recycling program will more likely lead to the failure of the whole recycling program. Some of the factors that ensure that the recycling process is more efficient are by including the economic and environmental benefits of the recycling process in the instructions manuals. This inclusion will make more people interested in the process, and therefore the program will be more likely to succeed than when dealing with a disinterested group which does not know the importance of the whole process and program.
The efficiency of the waste management system of any government, company or institution is very important (Stoeva and Alriksoon, 2017). A good recycling process has many benefits for the country and its population. Nature provides resources that are used in the production of goods that are consumed by all people. Therefore, maintain the nature to protect its productivity should be the aim of every government, company, institution, and individual. Poor waste management leads to increased environmental pressure as well as the shortage of the natural resources that are vital in the production process of goods consumed by human beings (Abbott, Naideibam and Oshea, 2017). Therefore, the process of waste recycling directly impacts on the economic growth as well as the living standards of all members of the community. On the part of the companies, recycling saves them money since what is considered to be waste products is recycled and reused in the process of production, and thereby reducing the cost of buying new production materials and also the cost of disposing waste, which can be very expensive (Nakakubu, Tokai and Onho, 2012).
A well-designed recycling process of any company will save money to the company. Therefore, updating the recycling process to make it more efficient and accurate is important for any company. However, the recycling process comes at some cost which the company must meet to ensure that the program is running and accurate (Renteria, Alvarez, Perez and Delpozo, 2011). We established the program, the cost may seem to be higher than the cost of just disposing of the waste products of the company. The cost range from the preliminary studies cost of implementation as well as the cost of ensuring the p...
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