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Fiction versus Reality in Unamuno's breathtaking novel "The Mist" (Essay Sample)


Fiction versus Reality in Unamuno's Mist

Fiction versus Reality in Unamuno’s Mist Name Institutional Affiliation Fiction versus Reality in Unamuno’s Mist Unamuno is a master story teller, who idealizes the philosophical concept of life by creating the characters that fits into his dream of bridging the gap between the fantasy world and the real world. He explores the real from the imagined using dialogue (De Unamuno, 2000). The novel addresses the insecurities that burdens the modern man who cares about their fate and perceived end which is a constant theme throughout the play, affirmed by the conflict expressed between reality and fiction. There is no conclusively in the events of the novel, all which revolves around existence. Every concern that the author delves in is highly idealized, including his main character portrayal. For example, in battling between genuine love and exploitative nature of Eugenia’s aunt, the author assumes the role of the God, to show how human fate had been pre-sealed, so that everything man does has a predetermined outcome (De Unamuno, 2000). In fact, Augusto decides to go against this norm by killing himself to confirm that he is not a factious character as the author portrays. However, the whole action is still brought to the readers to determine whether it is the author who actually kills the character, having created him to serve the same role. The episodes in chapter seventeen where the friends are advising Augusto to marry so that after death, the wife can get aid from the state is fascinating. It casts the human race into a deep meditation and anticipation for death. Also, the action of the book, where the author also serves as a character and relates freely with the other characters...
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