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Global warming. The task was to research about global warming. (Essay Sample)


The task was to research about global warming , its effects , causes and how to mitigate it.


Global Warming
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Global warming refers to the increase in the temperature levels of the earth's atmosphere and water bodies beyond what is considered the average temperature limit. Global warming can also be defined as the rise in the average temperature of a planet. For instance, earth's climate system and the related effects observed on a century-scale(Schelling and Thomas, 2002). Also, it is a steady increase in the average earth's temperature observed in a more extended period usually a century(Solanki et al., 2004). It is an alteration that is thought to be permanent on the earth's climate. There is great discussion worldwide whether global warming is real, but observing the data and facts collected by different scientist worldwide about global warming, it is evident that increase in temperature is ongoing with drastic impacts on living organism within the biosphere. Several studies have shown that global warming continues to occur, and if no measures are put in place to contain this menace, by reducing the rate of releasing greenhouse gases and other environmentally hazardous materials to the ecosystem, the earth's temperature will go beyond the level that positively supports life of both animals and plants (Botkin et al., 2007).

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