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A Great Hospital Safety Rating With A Grade A (Essay Sample)


safety of hospital


Hospital Safety
From the list of hospitals in the safety website, I will choose Sterling Regional Med Center. The health institution has a great safety rating with a grade A. also, I will select Arkansas Regional Medical Center which has an average safety rating of a weak C. Sterling Regional Med Center is rated grade A due to its strictly compliance to the safety guidelines and patient’s condition. For the other hospital, the safety issue concerns for the patients are so many and that’s why the hospital has a low rating of 1.944. The air embolism experienced risked the lives of Arkansas Hospital patients compared to Sterling Center where the staff took great concern of the patients’ safety. The hospital also fails to take care of the staff and patients in terms of safety and working conditions. To try and correct the situation the hospital improved the ventilations in the hospital wards. The efforts was an attempt to copy the situation in Sterling Center which had a better rating (Home | Hospital Safety Grade. 2017).
After some several improvement the rating of Arkansas Regional Medical Center Safety the score rating has improved. The management has installed a patient-centric care system which has all the patients’ records. Also, the clinical decision support system (CDSS) helps in minimizing the errors that may happen in paper records. All the operations of the healthcare providers are monitored and evaluated to ensure that it does not compromise the safety of the patients. The management has placed emphasis on the importance of cleaning the hands to prevent any transmission of germs from the staff to the consumers. The patients will be made comfortable by making them partner in the service provision. All vital information will be made available the patient to help i...
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