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Research About Health And Clinical Financial Services (Essay Sample)
It was all about health and clinical financial services
Clinical and financial Health systems:
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The clinical information system adopted in health care play a significant role in quality measurement and improvement of the service delivery. In agreement with this, the clinicians and other medical officers are to be compensated depending on the quality of services delivered. It is a point of interest for the private payments. They are pushing for a system that shows performance and the costs to be incurred. In line with this, there are differing views between the private payers and the workers or employers (Nichols, & O’Malley, 2012).
The private payers play in the adoption of the clinical, and financial strategies are to ensure that they will be profitable for them in agreement with the payments they make. The private payers are interested in the quality of services given to their clients at any given time. The health provider sought to provide the data on the service delivery. It would allow them to analysis the performance data to the price data. It is to eliminate the mistakes and ensure that the right payments are made. The primary concern of the private payers such as insurers is to pay the appropriate amount for the services delivered to their clients. It looked from another dimension; the private payers may find the price transparency as part of the financial system is not appropriate. The argument would be that it will limit the payer’s capability to negotiate for lower prices (Haux et al. 2013). The private payers want to remain competitive than th...
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