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Importance of Transport for the Developing Economies (Essay Sample)




Importance of transport for the developing economies
Transport is the process of moving people, goods and services from one place to another. Transport is one of the key factors of an economy. An economy is favorable when the goods and services transported will effectively arrive on time. One of the main factors of increasing the growth of an economy is enhancing transport systems. Transport systems are one of the main infrastructural developments a country should consider which are in the process of changing their economies. Economies which have well- structured transport systems have good communication systems, in turn the country experiences a high growth rate of their economies.
Transport helps in the movement of goods, services and people from one place to another. This boost the economy, since a lot of interaction in the transport sector increases knowledge of various market trends and products and finally improving on service delivery. A country that has well-maintained transport systems, experiences tremendous growth rates of the economy. When service delivery is improved, it attracts other sectors of the economy to cooperatively come together to improve all sectors of the economy. This eventually increases the gross domestic capital of individuals, hence improving the standards of living. Transport systems are the main factors that improves economic growth since any good economy has an improved service delivery mechanisms.
Moreover, transport helps countries to cooperate internationally. This helps in the exchange of ideas of developing their economies. This enlightens countries, hence improving on new systems of working things out and helps a country to upgrade its operational systems. This systems will finally help in developing the country’s literacy of how to increase methods of developing their economies. Other countries also gain knowledge of current market system

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