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A Ray Of Hope In The Gloomy World: Influence Of Literature In My Life (Essay Sample)
Influence of Literature in My Life. A reflection essay
Influence of Literature in My Life
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Influence of Literature in My Life
Literature act as a reflection of the society we live in. From the edge of the universe to the barycenter of the life gyrate, all things are pigeonholed in literature. The subjects of emotions prescribed in the form of narratives, tales, events, and poetry are the adjective of literature which quantifies the conditions and actions of human beings (Ramos, 2017). Through literature, I have become more cognizant about the world surrounding me. Reading literature, for me, is like a ray of hope in the gloomy world. It is an escape route from the pessimism of life.
Literature has offered different perspectives and impressively transformed me. Reading different narrations and stories has made me a better person, more unpretentious, profound, and sympathetic towards others, patient and a good listener as well. Literature has taught me valuable lessons in life. Reading has inculcated the culture of helping others, and a duty to serve as a voice to the voiceless. I have also been able to understand that I can learn from the challenges that face my community members, and motivate young people who may be going through the same problems. As I get more and more entrenched in literature, I encounter authors who explore the human struggles of different minority groups, which help me understand the need to be accommodative.
In conclusion, while it is not quite popular among the younger generation these days since it can give us the mother of all headaches, literature actually impacts our lives in ...
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