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letter to the editor (Essay Sample)

letter to the editor source..
To: New York Times Dear Editor, There is increased use of genetically modified food commonly known as (GMO) in many parts of the world, at first the aspect of this food was believed to be fiction but now a fact. The scientist can modify animals and plant genes to fit their specification, in many places people are consuming foods which in one way or the other its genes have been altered. These increased use of genetically modified food now raise a serious health question as well as a bioethical relation as well as approach. Of latest most of the products consumed comes from corporations such as DuPont, Monsanto, and Cargill, research by the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) and the United State Department of Agriculture showed that many of the food found commercially today is genetically modified. It is worrying to note that today in the United States there is no rule by the FDA which requires these companies producing this kind of food to state their ingredient. Therefore the producers do not even bother to say whether the foods contain any element with genetic manipulation. To emphasis on this aspect of genetically modified food raising health issues and taking a company producing the same, we can look at Monsanto for the instant it has been well known for building catastrophes and health problems. A good example is their Bovine Growth Hormone product which they call Prosaic. However their criticism got some merits in Europe, and the United States many children have shown to develop some life-threatening allergies to some food and most remarkably the peanuts, this leads to a prove that altering the genes of a food substance can cause some allergic reaction. With concern to health, there is a concern that introducing foreign genes into food material may have some unexpected outcomes which are adverse to consumer's health. Research taken by Richard, Sherlock and more to determine the effect of modified potato in a rat's intestine proved there was a change in the rat's intestine another argument to these is that some genes may knowingly deactivate which can result in natural cancer, these foods can also make the users antibiotic to be inactive In concern to the religious, the Jewish religion have a special meal which they refer to as kosher, they maintain these meal for mostly two reasons, as they believe in God who gave them Torah when they got a covenant with them, the idea of kosher is that it should be clean and safe to eat to ensure their health. This food should not have any harm to anyone or the animal this is the reason as to why their many rules regarding slaughtering of the animal to ensure no harm to the animal. A Jewish observing kosher cannot eat food such as shellfish and another kind of sea creatures these are because they are believed to transmit typhoid and other notable skin rashes. On the other hand they also cannot eat meat and drink milk at the same time, these because they digest at different rates which make it difficult for the body to process, these is why they separate dishes with dairy products to those with meat products, Jewish also keep kosher because the torch refers them as holy nation, and thus they are prescribed to a spiritual diet. Just like the Jewish the Mu...
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