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Literacy Literature & Language Essay Research Paper (Essay Sample)


This task involved explaining what literacy entails.


Literacy is one of the most critical aspects of personal fulfillment and prosperity in the contemporary world. The word literacy means the ability to read and write; the concept has expanded to involve the possession of education and a person’s knowledge of a particular subject. Literacy development is the foundation of a person’s literacy which begins from childhood, through a child’s interaction with others and the environment. The many types of mastery include computer literacy, media, information, and technology, political, cultural and visual literacy.
Literacy has several different aspects that form different categories of classification. It can be classified in physical elements like confidence, competence, and knowledge; political elements like understanding the government, social factors involve emotional intelligence and interactions with people. It can be developed in four categories namely emergent or beginners’ stage, alphabetic, intermediate reader and advanced readers stage.

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