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Loss Leader Marketing Overview Writing Assignment (Essay Sample)


why are microsoft, intel, and other leading for-profit companies interested in low-cost computers for the developing world?


Loss Leader Marketing Overview
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Loss Leader Marketing Overview
The One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) program was initiated in 2005 with an objective to enhance the education of children around the world (Cristia, Ibarrarán, Cueto, Santiago, & Severin, 2017). Primarily, the idea was that the creation and distribution of educational devices would improve how these children learned in schools. Primarily, this program targeted the developing world since there is power in creating a virtually limitless store of information and connectivity to the world.
Nicholas Negroponte viewed the OLPC program as a millennial idea that would revolutionize the world (Ibraković, 2016). According to him, the payoffs for this program were specific although he failed to acknowledge that there would be numerous challenges in the implementation process. As it turned out, the act of merely distributing computers to kids and expect everything to work on its own would not be possible. First, the approach proposed by Negroponte has been flawed since its inception. Second, the required efforts to reform the education curricula in various countries is a slow and expensive process. Notably, this program necessitates the presence of trained teachers who direct the kids. A good number of educators are often absent and incompetent making the process even more difficult.
Despite the challenges presented by this approach, companies like Microsoft, Intel, and other leading profit corporations express an interest in low-cost computers for the developing world. Among other reasons, these companies have an objective to enhance computer awareness around the globe. A significant number of developing countries suffer computer illiteracy especially since many people do not have enough money to purchase these devices. In this program, these companies will manufacture low cost computers which the people who have low incomes can afford. Similarly, schools will be in a position to purchase more computers which will facilitate learning in various educational institutions. Consequently, computer literacy will continue to spread all over the world.
Second, there is a possibility that leading profit companies joined the OLPC program to catch more opportunities. Based on observation and research, vendors are now aware of the growing market in developing countries. Although the consumers may not be able to purchase computers currently, they will be able to purchase after decades comfortably. For instance, China is currently one of the biggest PC markets, but this was not the case thirty years ago (Wan, Williamson, & Yin, 2015). Microsoft, Intel, and other profit organizations perceive the OLPC program as the most efficient and cheap way to enter the emerging market at a low cost.
Third, these large organizations may have joined the OLPC program as a sign of social responsibility and a way of maintaining their image. Consumers consider a lot of thing...
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