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Various Actions Manager Can Take To Build Trust Based Relationship (Essay Sample)
Various Actions Manager Can Take To Build Trust Based Relationship
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There are various actions that a manager can take to build trust based relationship, develop effective communication, share information, enhance consultative decision making process, develop staff competencies, building network, creating legislative awareness, code of conducts and ethical practices in business and overall improvement of an organization and its ongoing processes. Managers influence performances. According to Winterton and Winterton (1997), there is significant relationship between management and performance of an organization. Managers therefore have great influence in an organization but the action they take in their management is what matters.
To build trust with employees, managers should enhance honesty and openness to their employees when discussing issues affecting an organization and changes that might be taking place in the organization. Guest (1999) argued that the way employees behave and act is highly determined by the management and their practises. Enhancing openness and honesty therefore will build trust with employees. Besides, managers can confront issues and problems affecting employees in a calm and professional approach. Solving issues like absenteeism and poor performance amongst employees in a timely and fashionable approach will enhance trust and overall improvement of the organization. Moreover, managers can create trust by protecting the interest of the employees who are under them. Protecting employees will involve warning against blame game and name calling among employees. It is in such environments that employees feel appreciated when they are not blamed learn to change, put efforts, improve efficiencies and trust and improve overall performance. In addition, trust can be built by managers by minimizing direct supervisions through delegations of duties to employees. This will demonstrate that the manager has faith on employees and thus creating trust.
Performance of an organization can also be through engaging employees in decision making process. Allowing employees take part in decision making by consulting them creates sense of ownership and belonging in the organization’s structure. According to Ellis and Sorensen (2007), engaging employees in decisions making improves performance and create satisfactions to customers. To create a workforce that is highly engaged in decision making processes, managers should empower employees on decision making, encourages participation, help to develop and provide necessary support that may be required in collaboration in rational and optimal decision making. Brainstorming in decision making provides room for consultation. When consultation and brainstorming in decision making process take place, people share ideas and they stand a high chance of making a rational and optimal decision. Decisions that are rational and optimal improve business performances. However, poor decisions lead to dismal business performance and when this happens, business may collapse. Encouraging consultative decision making in business therefore minimizes chances of making decisions that may negatively affect the organization in the long run.
Communication is very crucial in operation of any organization. Communication enables managers to transmit information in an organization. Effective communication in organization enables managers to coordinate actions, express concerns, achieve effective control and share information regarding goals and business performance (Obamiro, 2008).Managers can improve the organization performance and process through information sharing and establishing effective communication systems in an organization. To achieve effective communication, managers should implement a consistent two way communication system that allows employee to also make their inputs and collaboration in daily operations of the organization. Besides, establishment of a communication system that is effective will require managers to respect the inputs of employees in decision making. Besides, managers should create a communication environment that is open to all, inclusive, result oriented and that employs multiple channels to pass information.
Managers can provide opportunities to employees by providing them with avenues for competence based training that may further improves their skills and give them addition skills that will help them continuously improve their personal performance and as well as business performance. In addition, providing employees an opportunity to grow and develop the competencies they need can improve business performance. Besides, they can give them opportunities for further education in their field. According to McKinsey (2006), improved competence of the employees gives a firm a competitive advantage in business environment. Meyer and Allen (1991) asserted that if a business wants to improve its performance, there is need to establish training programs that will give employees opportunities to develop desired skills, knowledge and abilities. Building new skills on employees enable them to cope with new challenges and when this happens, they feel motivated and committed to perform well in their jobs.
Building network in the business stands one of them most important aspect that contributes to business performance. Networking enhances business expansion. Managers should ensure that business is well connected to the corporate world. Managers can do this by creating contacts in the market, workforce and the entire business environment. This involves engaging in professional associations, clubs, alumni group and communities through charity programs. This networking helps them have a new perception of the business world. Besides, it also enables managers to create new opportunities for the business. Managers should also create time to interact with corporate world and expand organization’s network. Networking don’t only have positive influence on internal business environment, but, also help managers market the image the company to the outside world, connect with potential suppliers and financiers.
Violating business ethics and code of conducts can bring trouble to businesses. Businesses should always adhere to stipulated business ethics in order to enhance their image both internally and externally. Managers should be at the forefront in ensuring that business ethics are upheld. However, how they do this matters. When business adheres to code of conducts, decision making become easy and business operations can easily be executed. Any organization should adhere to ethic and the requirement of the law (Boatright, 2008).Managers can ensure ethics are maintained in the business by establishing training programs on business ethics and laws. Besides, managers should tie punishment to employees who violate business ethics and law.
Information sharing within a business matters a lot. How the information is shared in an organization determines how well the business will perform. If there is information asymmetry in organization, it ends up performing poorly. Whiple et al. (2002) asserted that information sharing is one of the most important factors that determine the success of business and its supply chain. Exchanging information with suppliers, manufacturers, shareholders and employees brings more benefits to a company than withholding. Managers should ensure necessary information circulates effectively in and out of the organization. To achieve this, managers should assist employees to build a healthy working relationship with each other. This will create a platform that ensures smooth flow of information within an organization. Besides, managers can enhance information sharing by building knowledge sharing model and integrating it into the workflow. Managers should also design physical spaces that encourage information sharing within and outsides organization. This can be done though embracing technology to ensure maximum sharing of information to the intended audience like consumers, sh...
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