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Most Effective Social Structure in America (Essay Sample)


American culture


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* Introduction
This paper investigates the most effective social structure in America. America has two social structure namely patriarchy and matriarchy. However, we need to identify the structure that is the most effective; furthermore, the selected structure should be supported with evidence to prove that indeed it is the most effective. According to my point of view, patriarchy is the most effective structure. First of all, I will begin by defining this term patriarchy. What is patriarchy? It refers to a rule by fathers and not men. Nick B. Steves describes it as “cooperative social system designed to maximize paternal investment, in which rule by fathers as a key aspect” according to his definition, fathers can rule over children and wives as well. As a social equilibrium, patriarchy commits fathers too and publicly held them responsible for providing and governing their respective households. Fathers, therefore, receive exclusive access to sex in exchange for this commitment to their wives (Gatto). This access, thus, gives an assurance that all the children sired are his and authorize them to bear his name. With reasons, the viable structure is proposed at the end of the research.
II. Body
The male effort in the critical years, which is between 18 and 45, is maximized by this social arrangement. It is indeed argued that men in this age bracket are the only net economic productive than the women or the elderly. This demographic group is also the most productive. The economic power of 18 to 45 years male must, therefore, be unleashed for the success of the economy of a given state. The only reliable method that has been found by humanity to grow the economy and reproduce is patriarchy (Walton and Packer). If the genes are not propagated down to future generations is not done, under-production would be witnessed, add to social pathologies and devolve back of the entire society back to a foraging financial system.
All the civilizations in place that are advanced have their nature traced as patriarchal. It is noted by De Maistre “Wherever an altar is found, their civilization exists.” Wherever civilization exists, you will find patriarchy.” This is a good bet that is also found in the holy scriptures that are next to the altar. On the other hand, matriarchy minimizes parental investment of the family and thus the society as a whole. In this case, men’s excessive productivity is obscured; no innovations in technology, the presence of mooted group corporation, and the complex systems of the public are not developed (True Women and Real Men, Myths of Gender). Therefore, patriarchy should be supported.
In almost all societies that are dominated by women, there are fewer chances of income generation for men or even control problematic resources. The women’s status in a matriarchy is not better than that in a male-dominated society. Therefore, women are sudden that their freedom is more than in a patriarchal society. Individual status mostly relies on authority system in which he or she enjoys at any given time in a given community. Any authority that is held through male line is termed as patriarchy whereas, if the same power is maintained on women line, then it is matriarchy (True Women and Real Men, Myths of Gender). Some people fail to distinguish between authority and decency. Some countries are ruled by women, and the body is inherited through the mother’s line.
The male dominance has over the recent years escalated as are a result of media education and other educational media. However, in some tribes such as such as North-East are very smart regarding carrying out business activities, for instance, the Khasi women who operate shops in the markets of Nongpoh and Shillong in Meghalaya. Majority of the women in Mizoram as well run large shops together with big business. The women’s labor force in the State of Mizoram is intensified further in the core division, and most of the women are changing to agricultural laborers as Lalhriatpuii has observed it. The women run most small family businesses. These businesses require little capital to start and operate. The products in the market for this case are produced under domestic system. Such products include handicrafts and food articles, and this gives this class of business the name, microenterprise. These women realize higher rates of return as a result of their limited access to capital. The incredibly

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