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Mother Tongue by Amy Tan as a Literacy Narrative (Essay Sample)


This assignment required the writer to explain how Amy Tan's essay "Mother Tongue" functions as a literary narrative. I was expected to read and analyze the essay after discovering it on the website to show that it essentially describes how TAN learned to read and write and the effect it had on her life.


Mother Tongue by Amy Tan as a Literacy Narrative
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Mother Tongue by Amy Tan as a Literacy Narrative
A literacy narrative is essentially a story that describes how someone learned to read and write and the impact it has had on their life. Amy Tan, a well-known Chinese American novelist, recounts how growing up with her mother tongue shaped her life, how it affected her in school, and how it later affected her career.
Amy considers how her mother spoke "broken" and "limited" English with a strong accent yet was able to comprehend complex forms of English writing (Tan, n.d.). Amy's mother frequently required her to elaborate when speaking because others found it challenging to understand

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