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Movie Review: American Sniper (Essay Sample)


Write a 2-page-word review of one movie of your own selection in which you analyze the movie in terms of its genre and the elements of film. As part of your role as a movie critic, create your own scale to rate the movie.
Address and answer the following in your movie review:

Identify the film's genre and whether or not it was typical or atypical of its genre. Include a discussion of the film's story in your discussion of the film's genre.

Do you think the editing was appropriate? Why or why not?

Was the sound use effective or ineffective? Why?

What feelings, if any, did the score elicit?

What was the meaning of the film?

Was this film enjoyable? Why or why not?

Would you recommend the movie, and how do you rate it on your scale?


University Name
Nowadays, most movies released by Hollywood have controversies. "American Sniper" is one of these controversial films. It is an Action packed military drama war film about Chris Kyle, a Navy Seal marksman who has a patriotic bend even though he still portrays the personal ravages of war. The divergent readings are typical of this war genre film that strikes a different focus than that of its predecessors. "American Sniper" is typical of its genre, and it demonstrates the hardships facing a soldier who has a sharpshooting acumen that has earned him the title "The Legend.”
Kyle represents many American soldiers, and he was a modern-day cowboy who was instantly motivated to join the army after9 /11. He is noticeably shaken when for the first time, he has to kill an Iraqi woman and her child so that he can save the lives of his fellow troops. That film portrays Kyle as being the type of person that every soldier wants to watch their backs. It also describes the war as a place where the lives of soldiers are on the line, and can lose their lives quickly when small mistakes are made. One incredibly engaging plot, Kyle tries to kill Mustafa, an expert insurgent enemy sniper. Another scene shows a group of U.S soldiers who are trapped under heavy fire, escaping with the help of a sandstorm. The action movie has given "Sniper" an intense but controlled violence-centered quality.
The drama of "American Sniper" is Kyle's relationship with his wife Taya with whom he becomes more emotionally and physically detached as his tours increase. Simple telephone calls between Kyle and Taya turn heart-wrenching and heart-breaking. There is a subtle yet visible pain on the face of Kyle, who is a battle weary soldier. Chris Kyle had superior skills that saved countless of lives, and for that he was named an American Hero.
The editing of "American Sniper" was appropriate. It was edited in such a way that viewers could admire how screenwriter Jason Hall portrays the psychic toll that the Iraqi war has on Chris Kyle. The editing of the film is in such a way that it has different interpretations, a testament to a movie that does not have obvious ideological lines. Films produced in earlier eras always portrayed soldiers as victims, demons, or heroes. In "American Sniper”, the film was edited in such a way that the viewers could relate with the protagonist and understand better what he was going through while in Iraq.
The sound use in "American Sniper" was very efficient. It helps to bring out the mood that the screenwriter wants the viewers to experience. Alan

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