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Personal statement (Essay Sample)

This is a personal statement. I wrote it last year for a student who was applying for a masters degree. The personal statement was focused on his aspiration to pursue a master's degree in Teaching with the goal of making a positive impact on people's lives. It highlights his experience as a learning support assistant in a secondary school, where his interactions with students and teachers have reinforced the desire to become a teacher. Furthermore, it draws on your personal experience as a dancer to emphasize the importance of discipline, teamwork, and communication in career goals. Overall, this personal statement showcases his passion for education and his commitment to using teaching as a means to empower and inspire others. I was happy because the student came back to say thank you after being admitted to the university. source..
Personal Statement Name: University: Course Number and name: Tutor’s name: Date: Personal Statement My decision to attain a master’s degree in Teaching is based on one key aspiration – to make a difference in people’s lives. Though I work with children and older people daily, I feel that the current school and non-school setting needs strategic thinkers who can help bring out the best in children. Over the past 1 year and 6 months I have worked as a learning support assistant for at a secondary school (ages 11-19) and through my interaction with students and teachers my urge to become a teacher has since persisted. For the longest time, my career goals have been shaped mainly by my experience as a dancer. Dancing through childhood to adulthood I have come to perceive dance as an art that builds discipline, work collectively, and strengthens communication. On top of offering extensive physical benefits, dancing has further exposed me leadership roles and positions where I have worked with people with challenging behaviors and socially vulnerable including children with special needs. Through the interactions dance with these people, dance has become a perfect approach to building lasting peer relationships and promoting good communication. As a youth leader teaching dance, I have severally, used my experience in dance to create a sense of connection and happiness among migrants and vulnerable groups. Working as a learning support assistant, I have been able to recognize the many opportunities arising from my work environment. my day-to-day interaction with both teachers and students with special needs has allowed me to realize that the most important qualities of a teacher are empathy, patience, dependability, adaptability, and practicability. Teaching children with special needs require special techniques and throughout my tenure and experiences I have tried to use dance a special approach. For me, dance is therapeutic in nature and through it I can foster unity and create an inclusive and non-judgemental environmental. Previously, I worked as a youth leader in an organization that worked closely with albinism speaking community. Our goal was to help and support the community in becoming positive citizens. Through this role, I was to boost youth’s confidence and helped them see them world positively. I further helped in designing sessions that encouraged volunteer involvement among youths and significantly helped them reduce their risk of engaging in unsafe behaviors. My key role was to ensure that learning was meaningful and rewarding and through which, personal and interpersonal skills were improved. Working also with the London youth, I ran a mixture of programmes including dance and sports. My greatest achievement under this role was to bring people with different abilities and interest together and have them feel connected. Throughout, music was the link because it allowed people move their bodies without judgement and tell their innermost stories without fear or prejudice. Collectively, all my previous roles have given me a solid understanding of key issues and skills necessary in the teaching profession. As a youth leader, I have learnt to lead, teach, and inspire everywhere including a culturally diverse environment. Over the past seven years, my career goals have been defined and refined through experiences and interactions. As a part time form tutor, I have interacted with parents and students and impacted their lives positively. I have certainly, excelled in my work but realize the need to do better in serving parents and vulnerable children and the community. While my caree...
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