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Phenomenon of Human Wildlife interaction in North America (1880-1980) (Essay Sample)


read the books provided and write an essay on the Phenomenon of human-wildlife interaction in North America (1880-1980)


Phenomenon of pets in North America period from 1880 to 1980
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Phenomenon of pets in North America period from 1880 to 1980
The phenomenon of pets has been illustrated by the relationship that humans had with the animals in the past. Creative arts have been utilized to paint the actual picture of the relationship. Arluke’s book the Beauty and the Beast presents a revelation of the human and animal relationships in their real world supported by real pictures which are evident in the postcards outlined in the story. The author utilizes the fairy tales and photographs to outline the human-animal relationship. Photography in the past helped in outlining the intimacy that people had with places and animals that surrounded them. At the period between 1905 and 1935 profound changes were seen in the connection that existed between the people and animals in America. Such encounters are crucial in today’s treatment and perceptions of the animals. Contradictions and paradoxes are used in Arluke and Bogdan’s story to show the way animals were embraces or distanced. The people love for the pets are illustrated in the pictures taken and placed in the postcards. The dogs, for instance, are utilized to show such cultural relationship (Arluke and Bogdan, 2010).
Nature Wars by Sterba showed how the wildlife in North America was plundered by traders, settlers, and explorers. The 20th century, however, witnessed a revolution whereby conservationists came into being and more initiatives taken to protect the animals. The imposing of regulations, the creation of sanctuaries and restoring habitats for animals improved on the human-animal relationship. This continued for a decade before the World War II and after a bit of confusion erupted posing threat to the existence of animals. Many people migrated outward into the suburbs hence efforts of animals’ protection diminished resulting in the animals becoming out of control. The animal-human conflict resulted and damage to both became imminent. The mixture of people and the wild animals was often mitigated by their love for them but when they caused havoc they became unwanted. Thereafter conservationists rose to the challenge and they began nursing the populations of the wild back into their original formation (Sterba, 2013).
Eating Animals, for instance, provides a comprehensive discussion of what eating of animals means in the industrialized economies. The author is in a dilemma whether his son should or shouldn’t eat meat. In his son’s world eating of meat had more implication and often comes with serious ramifications. Some of the effects include animal suffering, damage to the environment and the health risks. Foer is keen on the stories concerning food which outlines the people’s value and history thus uses a storytelling mechanism to presents his themes. Stories abou...
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