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Physical Training and Responsibility Research Assignment (Essay Sample)



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Physical Training and Responsibility
. Physical education refers to the process of learning by physical activity. The main aim of the education is to enhance development through an experience of motion (Hellison). Physical education results in proper physical development and improves social and mental development. In the essay below am going to discuss the importance of physical training and responsibility.
Physical education in schools improves student’s mental development. Participation in physical training in school creates a foundation for participation in other activities later in life. Physical education activities like golf and archery involve mathematical as well as concentration skills. Such stimulating activities result in mental development in individuals. If student masters correctly what is taught, they will automatically notice things they can do to make them more efficient. Research has proved that physical activity promotes brain activity. Brain activity is responsible for cognitive development. Physical exercise encourages oxygen and blood circulation around the body. A well-rounded physical education class can also help thinking in academic classes. Improved thinking encourages individuals to take responsibility for their actions.
Physical training knowledge may contribute to emotional development in children. In the course of physical education, the teacher may help students to make important decisions in life. The choices individuals make in their early stages in life have a tremendous effect on the later stages of life. The decisions made include: choosing a healthy diet by selecting appropriate food, respecting their body.
A physically intelligent individual will develop understanding of the terms used in physical education. Examples of such terms include balance, reception and co-ordination, weight transference and speed. Developing knowledge about the terms used creates awareness among a student. The student may later decide to opt to enter into a certain kind of sportsmanship. Majority of people may however underestimate and display level of complacency to physical education. By doing so, students may miss joining these distinct professionals. The students could also risk not learning certain physical and learning experiences which can only be learnt if students participate physically in the activities, under the guidance of a trained physical education teacher working under a prescribed syllabus.
Physical education helps students to develop self-esteem and confidence. A majority of students may think they have no purpose in life until they pick up a basketball or start throwing a baseball and realizing they have some unhidden potential. Students realize they have a potential which they previously had no idea of. Changing how students feel about themselves internally or emotionally, will enable them to change their behavior and act responsibly. Such students, start believing in themselves and change their behavior. Being physically active keeps the students from being idle. It also gives them determination as they can relate to professional sports on television. When students, for example, win a football match, the victory gives them a boost in confidence. Engaging in competition and performing skills cultivate self-confidence, and self-confidence is a critical element in developing a youth’s character and personality.
Physical training promotes a healthy lifestyle in future. Studies have been undertaken that prove a correlation between individuals who engage in physical activities. The result is that young people who practice good physical activities are likely to exercise it to their adulthood years. Children are taught on the importance of health early in their life grow up to adults who are aware of their physical condition and health.
Exposure to physical activity and training on a systematic basis in learning institutions increases the possibility that in future, an individual will adopt a physically active lifestyle. The choice of physically active is essential for good happiness and health. The school has a role in nurturing students to take a personal lifestyle of regular physical activity.
Physical training may cultivate or encourage sportsmanship. Physical training is not only good for sports, but also for life. Participating in individual, or even team sports and dual will develop a sound sportsmanship. The student will also be inculcated with values like fairness, respect, and fellowship with his fellow competitor. A good student of physical education will make credible competitors. Good sportsmanship not only makes champions in sports, but also champions in life.
In conclusion, Physical Education not only promotes an individual mentally but results in the development of an individual as a whole. By learning physical education, a student is able to acquire knowledge of the importance of physical education. Acquiring knowledge will enable an individual to appreciate its importance in his or her life
Responsibility refers to the ability of an individual to make a decision that serves his or her interests, and that of other individuals. To be responsible, an individual need to start with himself or herself. To be more responsible, an individual should know his or her limitations. It does not matter how intelligent or smart an individual is, every individual must take responsibility for his actions. Individuals should also learn how their actions, thoughts and word...
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