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Psychotherapy (Essay Sample)

The task revolves around exploring various aspects of psychotherapy, particularly focusing on its biological basis, influence of culture, religion, and socioeconomic background, and ethical and legal considerations in individual, group, and family therapy. The paper delves into the biological underpinnings of psychotherapy, discussing its potential for inducing plastic changes in the brain and facilitating brain recovery from stress. It also examines how culture, religion, and socioeconomic factors shape individuals' perceptions of psychotherapy, influencing their willingness to seek or engage in treatment. Additionally, the paper addresses ethical and legal considerations unique to group and family therapy, emphasizing the importance of confidentiality, informed consent, and ethical responsibilities towards the group or family as a whole. Through critical analysis, the paper aims to provide insights into the multifaceted nature of psychotherapy and its implications for clinical practice. source..
Psychotherapy Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Date Psychotherapy Does Psychotherapy have a Biological Basis? Studies aknowledge that personality, psychological, and behavioural problems stem from mechanisms and processes within the brain. Individuals experiencing such issues can seek psychotherapy, 'talk therapy,' intervention as it is beneficial in addressing severe mental health disorders (Coley, 2017). Currently, there are question in psychiatric discipline focusing on whether psychotherapy interventions can result in plastic changes within the brain, as observed with the use of pharmacological substances to treat mental disorders. Nonetheless, compounding research evidence show that Psychotherapy has a biological basis and has a positive impact on enhancing brain recovery from stress. Fournier & Price (2014) report that, activities in the region of the brain associated with negative emotions, regulation of emotions, fear, and trauma are correlated with psychotherapy, and psychotherapy intervention, in part, influence how these regions function. Moreover, Coley (2017) argue that psychotherapay interventions mediates the integration and connection of maladaptively linked neural networks, caused by adverse life events, hence facilating brain recovery. Thus, psychotherapy is largely based on understanding how the body as a biological systems function, to establish approriate psychotherapy modalities. How Culture, Religion, and Socieconomic Background Influence Psychotherapy While psychotherapy is proven to be an effective treatment modality for mental health issues, factors such as culture, religion, and socioeconomic background influence an individual's perceptive on the value of pyschotherapy medical interventions. Coley (2017) accentuates that, all aspects of an individual's outlife are unconsciously permeated by the powerful influence of culture. Thus, in all its broader concepts, besides influencing how individuals perceive themselves in the world, culture influence an individual's interactions and expectations from others, including their perceptions on mental health and wellbeing. For instance, individuals from cultures that, in any means, prohibits discussion of emotions and traumas, among other mental health issues, may resist psychotherapy treatment. Religion can also influence how individuals perceive Psychotherapy. Many people subscribe to religious beliefs that only allow them to discuss psychological issues with their religion/clergy colleagues or religious figures, hoping for devine interventions. Kim et al. (2018), stipulates that, considering religion and spirituality is critical in addressing mental health. In offering therapy, communication with client may reach an impasse if psychiatrists do not comprehend their religious role in psychotherapy framework. Socioeconomic background is a potential variable in individuals' perception on the value of psychotherapy treatment. Certain socieconomic factors directly correlate with certain traumatic events in an individual's life, impeding their ability to access mental healthcare. For instance, adverse poverty is associated with anxiety, depression, and drug abuse. Bernal et al. (2017) argues that patients from such backgrounds may experience challenges in accessing mental optimal healthcare services. Individual, Group and Family Therapy Ethical and Legal Considerations Ethical and legal considerations in group and family therapy differ from individual therapy in various ways. Unlike in individual therapy, the ethical considerations in group and family therapy are founded on the premises of a family as a system. Thus, family and group therapist are bound by ethical commitments of responsibility to the group and family, upholding an individual's confidentility to other members, while also promoting the welfare of each member and the whole system (Gurman & Burton, 2014). Such considerations are important in group and family therapy as an intervention serving one person interests may be countertherapeutic to the other member/s. Informed consent is the major legal difference between individual therapy, and familiy and group therapy. Unlike in individual therapy where the therapist need one patient's permission to use the information obtained during therapeutic proceedings, permission in group and familiy therapy is obtained from all members...
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