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Qualitative Research Design Plan (Essay Sample)

Assignment type: Research proposal Service: Writing Assignment size: 1 pages / 275 words (Double spacing) Education level: Master's Language: English (US) See the attachment for template as well as examples and explanation of the template. 1140479 Mar 15, 6:56 AM The Topic of the tudy is Emphatetic Leadership source..
Empathetic Leadership Student Name Institution Name Course Number Due Date Faculty Name Empathetic Leadership Topic The study aims at identifying how empathetic leadership influence employee performance. People require support and understanding in every life aspect, even at work. Empathy is thus a cornerstone for effective leadership (Negoro, & Wibowo, 2021). Leaders are required to embrace a paradigm rooted on understanding, compassion and genuine physical connection in order to maintain productivity. Purpose Statement The purpose of this qualitative study is to discover the impact of empathetic leadership on the employee performance at Unilever. Research Questions RQ1: What is the impact of leaders’ empathy on employees? RQ2: What empathetic behaviors do leaders use that impact the performance of employees? Qualitative Research Methodology The study implements an exploratory research design. This will allow us to have a better understanding of the problem. According to Swedberg (2020), it provides insights in to the issue and also offers a way to conduct a detailed study on a small population. This will allow us to lay the foundation of the research which may as well lead to further study. Participant Inclusion Criteria The inclusion criteria for the participants for this study included: the participants should have worked in the company for more than an year; the participants should have differing performance levels; the participants should be of different age, gender, ethnicity and roles; the participants should be will to take part in the study; and all the participants should proficient in English. Source of Data and Data Collection Methods To answer our research questions we will collect data...
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