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Replacing translators with AI (Essay Sample)

Artificial intelligence has undoubtedly gained immense popularity and widespread use due to its versatility and ease of use. It can solve a large number of tasks and give clear answers when asked the right questions. However, the degree of perfection of AI is still debatable. In addition, the claim that AI can replace translators is even more controversial. source..
Replacing Translators with AI My work as a translator has always required learning and understanding two different languages - English and Spanish. The job requires not only grammar and vocabulary but also the ability to convey emotion, context, and cultural nuances. I have always felt a certain magic in the art of translation, but times are changing, and as the intelligence of machine algorithms increases, the question arises: will AI replace translators? Artificial intelligence has been in the translation industry for some time now; programs and algorithms like Google Translate and DeepL are getting smarter and smarter and can provide translations that convey the meaning of the source text well. But as professional translators, we think there are some nuances that need to be taken into account before AI can fully replace our work. First, cultural context. Translators are not just machines that replace one word with another. We understand the subtle nuances, subtext, and context of a language. We can also take into account cultural differences and expressions that don't always have exact equivalents in other languages. Sometimes, to really impress the reader or listener, it is necessary to change the translation to better fit their culture and semantic context. AI struggles to take these aspects into account. Second, emotions. Language is not only a set of words but also a means of expressing emotions. As a translator, I try to convey not only the meaning of a text but also the emotions it evokes. For example, it is difficult to convey the same depth of joy or sadness across language barriers. AI can successfully convey general meaning, but it cannot yet feel and express emotions in the same way as humans. Third, the diversity of languages. The world of linguistic reality is extremely diverse, and each langu...
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