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The Role and Contribution of Women in the Poetic Field (Essay Sample)


The essay is a review of women in the poetic field contribution.


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Theoretical Background Of Women Poetry
Today, the number of women poet has increased. The reason for this increase is that women have become unique in their poet writing. From an early stage, women have continued to pierce together several brilliant pieces of poems read by who is who in society. Though women have written several poems, it was not until the 1970s that women poems could be accessed and accepted easily in any genre. The 1970s was a great time for all women poets. One of the most important poem writing events of the 1970s was the Poetry Anthology For Women. For poems published earlier, they did not map the female traditions. Rather, they were used to showcase poetry touching on the particular historical moments. Poets describe feminist poetry as a challenging and not conventional writing. It is a counterculture of the male culture. The recognition of women's poetry as one of the literary countercultures saw similar emergence in different areas. In Australia, for example, scholarly works are used to focus on the Australian involvement in poetic fields seen through separate lens. From the Women Writers Project Newsletter, every five hundred women who published a single volume of Poem written in English between 1770 and 1830 became a definition of the English Romanticism. 

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