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The task involved responding to a series of prompts and exercises related to the concept of life as an adventure. The responses covered topics such as imaginative exercises, philosophical reflections on life, and exploring the idea of living an extraordinary and unconventional existence. The content included discussions on the unpredictability of life, embracing change, and approaching life as a grand adventure. The sample responses aimed to encourage contemplation, creativity, and a unique perspective on one's journey through life. source..
3 FEB 2024 SAMPLE 5 ESSAY RESEARCH PIECE FROM MY BOOK LIVE YOUR LIFE AS A GREAT ADVENTURE WRITTEN BY TARIQ EL HAWARY - First Question: Why is life just an adventure? A simple and puzzling question I asked myself after becoming fully convinced that life is nothing but an adventure we live. We need to determine the type of this adventure and understand its purpose. How should we perceive and deal with it in this way? If we reflect on our lives, how things unfold around us and with us, and contemplate everything happening, we will see and confirm, without needing specific evidence (although there are many reasons), that life is indeed a grand adventure we live within. This doesn't mean that our lives and this world operate without laws, or that we live randomly. No, that's not my point. The world and life follow strict, great, and organized laws, beyond our human understanding, and these laws are created by the Almighty, by God. Among the fundamental laws of nature are the unseen, destiny, causality, life, death, sunrise, sunset, strength, weakness, etc. Therefore, we are born from our mothers' wombs as infants, barely understanding anything. Our only capability is to cry and scream, our language to express our desires and the will to survive. It's the struggle for survival, an innate inclination created within us. But what if we didn't cry or scream to express our hunger and thirst? What if we remained silent or lacked the ability to scream, cry, or any language to express our essential need to stay alive? Certainly, things would deteriorate, and our lives would be endangered. Thus, we encounter the first law of the adventure, the Law of Necessity. To obtain something, you must strive to acquire it, take specific actions, and meet certain criteria. Imagine with me if the baby did not cry; it would not receive food, and the situation would worsen. This makes us recognize the initial aspects of the adventure: the sudden and unexpected threat, the insecurity that can occur at any time, in any place, and under any circumstances, threatening our existence, defining an essential facet of the adventure. We...
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