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Should A Person Be Given Second Chance After Cheating (Essay Sample)
Apa, double spaced
Should a Person be Given a Second Chance After He or She Has Been Unfaithful, Lied or Brocken a Promise?
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Do you think before making a promise to somebody? What if you will not be able to deliver your words? Will it really matter? A promise is a commitment made by someone either to do or not to do something. When a person promises in a relationship it becomes one thing above all others that one wishes to do most. Giving a second chance to a person who is messing up with a relationship by cheating is merely a luxury to him or her; it’s a luxury that cheaters do not deserve at all.
When you break a promise that you have made to a person no matter how small it is to you, you alarms bells which are not going to go off. It hurts when you have invented your time, love, trust, and all your energy in building a relationship and then a person takes advantage of you by carelessly cheating on you.
Once trust I broken by a lying what follows is not happiness or improvements but insecurity and worrying every time. The longer time that you spend with the person who was unfaithful to you or lied to you, the longer the painful feelings. Letting a person who have cheated on you back in your life is just giving him or her second chance to cheat on you.
Everyone deserves a second chance; personality is not set in a stone. People can from their mistakes (Hanke and Vauclair 2016). Promises are only as strong as the person who is giving...
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