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Social welfare (Essay Sample)

Child abuse is the main topic of this paper, its severe effect on children around the world, pointing out examples of long-term physical, psychological, and emotional impacts. It recognizes that despite the existing extensive number of articles reviewed, numerous questions regarding this issue have not been addressed, including the reasons for child abuse, consequences, and measures that may be taken to decrease and practically eliminate this problem. This paper proposes three research questions aimed at capturing three different forms and facets of child abuse, each with a unique research agenda of exploration, explanation, and explication. As a part of the scope, the first research question explores risks concerning child abuse in households with Internet access. Thus, this research aims at revealing emerging patterns and ideas, such as how communication technologies like social networks and excessive use of screens contribute to child abuse or make children relevant threats to other scum, such as pedophiles. Alternatively, the focus is to determine how these digital platforms can be used maliciously and what risks could be on the horizon that could be averted by prevention further. The second research question, in line with the explanation, analyses the ways through which parental substance abuse and socioeconomic instability cause child abuse in the recurring reported cases. This question emphasizes causative factors in the determination of child abuse with the relations among these factors. Descriptive research would observe families to determine how unemployment, housing instability, and substance dependence contribute to the likelihood of repeated abuse. It’s worked toward ending the cycle of abuse and coming up with policies that would help protect vulnerable children. Therefore, the paper concludes that child abuse as a social welfare issue is a very complicated one. Here, it supports the need for more exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory studies to determine further the risk factors for and causes of the abuse. Thus, more research is needed to design appropriate clinical and legislative efforts to help maltreated children and prevent further abuse. source..
Social welfare Student Name Institution Affiliation Course Instructor Name Due Date Child Abuse The area of child abuse has been at the center of research interest in social welfare over the last ten to fifteen years. Influencing the lives of many children in the entire globe now has long-term physical, psychological, and emotional consequences. Solving this problem involves more research because many questions remain unanswered: where, how, and why abuse occurs, its effects, and what changes can be made to minimize and prevent it. Below are three different research questions related to child abuse, each designed for a distinct research purpose: The stated definitions of the IMC are investigation, delineation, and explication. Exploration What new dangers relate to child abuse in households that are connected to the Internet? Exploratory research aims to collect data on a phenomenon that is not known or well-known with a view of developing a new pattern or idea or any other variable feature of the problem under study. One of the crucial patterns of family relationships' interaction is the communication technology of the Internet and social platforms that appeared together with sets of home appliances all over the world, potential threats of pedophilia and child abuse that did not initially have a major impact. This research would endeavor to find out whether it is possible to abuse indirectly and through computers and the display pages of social media, or even classes through the use of computers, how it might contribute to abuse by ''sex offenders' or ''increase stress from family due to the existence of the digital divide or dramatic increase in screen time (Gordon, 2021). Given the added encroachment of digital technology, this study can identify other associations that might be helpful in future treatment and prevention strategies. Explanation In which ways do parental substance abuse and socioeconomic instability influence the reoccurrence of child abuse in the reported cases? Descriptive research focuses on the "why" and the "how" by using cause and effect relationships, and the question most likely to be of concern to the inquiry is what happens to the phenomenon being studied. Thus, this research question focuses on learning the processes through which parental substance abuse and socioeconomic vulnerability lead to child abuse after instances of parental substance abuse and economic vulnerability have been one or several times reported and prevented. This type of study may comprise monitoring of families that helps to determine, for instance, how unemployment, housing instabilities, and drug or alcohol dependence rates raise chances of repeated abuse (Hartill et al., 2021). Understand events that link various forms of current abuse to future abuse and help social workers, policymakers, and advocate organizations to work to interrupt this cycle of a...
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