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Success In Life: Motivational Resources Vs Intellectual Resources (Essay Sample)


A person will be more successful if:
Statement 1: S/he has many motivational resources but few intellectual resources.
Statement 2: S/he has few motivational resources and many intellectual resources.
Comment on the determinants of success. State whether success is more likely in one or the other scenario, or you think it is equally likely. Give reasons for your answers and cite scholarly literature in support.

Success in Life Name Institutional Affiliation Darwin once pointed out that it is not the most intelligent or the strongest that will survive, but those who are able to perfectly adapt to changes. Becoming successful largely depends on how one adapts to prevailing conditions and circumstances. It is through motivation that people are able to adapt to changes. As such, it can be argued that a person will be more successful if they have many motivational resources but few intellectual resources. Motivation refers to a combination of beliefs, values and desires that drive people into taking action. Motivational factors fall into two major categories namely internal and external. Internal motivational factors are in-built and are mostly the personal desires that drive individuals to take action. External motivational factors are those found within the external environment and for which people have little control over. A right balance between external and internal motivation helps enhance performance and results in increased effort and energy. This eventually leads to success. Zlate and Cucui (2015) examine the relationship between motivation and performance in higher education. They opine that there is a close connection between motivation and performance and that in order to enhance organizational performance, contemporary organizational management has made employee motivation a priority. Tampu and Cochina (2015) are of a similar opinion and argue that free behavioral acts do not happen. According to Tampu and Cochina (2015), there are motivational factors behind every other action people undertake. They state that for every other activity, there are some internal motives that drive and support them. As such, motivational factors a...
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