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The Disabilities That Society Sees (Essay Sample)

The paper is a discussion post on the disabilities that society does see. Rubric for Assessing a Paper on Unseen Disabilities: Clarity andOrganizationn (4 points) The introduction effectively introduces the topic and purpose of the paper. Logical Organization should have clear sections (introduction, definition, impact, barriers, strategies, conclusion). Smooth transitions between sections and paragraphs. Depth of Understanding (4 points) Demonstrates a thorough understanding of unseen disabilities, including various types and their impact on individuals and society. Provides detailed examples and case studies to support key points. Shows awareness of the challenges and barriers faced by individuals with unseen disabilitiesAnalysisal Analysis (4 points) Offers Analysisul analysis of the societal factors contributing to the invisibility of unseen disabilities. Evaluates the effectiveness of current strategies for raising awareness and promoting inclusion. Identifies areas for improvement and proposes innovative solutions. Use of Evidence (3 points) Cites relevant research studies, scholarly articles, and other credible sources to support arguments. Integrates evidence effectively to strengthen critical points and arguments. Ensures accuracy and reliability of information presented. Clarity of Writing and Presentation (3 points) Employs clear and concise language that is appropriate for the intended audience. Use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling throughout the paper. Adheres to the instructor's formatting guidelines (font, spacing, margins). Overall Impact and Originality (2 points) Demonstrates original thinking and creativity in addressing the topic of unseen disabilities. Engages the reader with compelling insights, arguments, and examples. It leaves a lasting impression and prompts reflection on the importance of understanding and addressing unseen disabilities in society. source..
Discussion: The Disabilities That Society Sees Student's Name University Course Professor Date The Disabilities That Society Sees The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 was enacted to protect people living with disabilities in the United States. Its Section 504 focuses on preventing discrimination based on disability in federal financial assistance programs and applies to employers and organizations that receive this assistance (OASAM, n.d.). This law precedes the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, which protects disabled persons from unfair treatment in other life activities not covered in previous legislation (ADA National Network, 2017). Leading up to the promulgation of the Rehabilitation Act, people with disabilities suffered without civil rights addressing their inequalities. The attention given to them never went beyond their medical needs, and years of activism and advocacy called for scrutiny, giving rise to these laws (Wilcher, 2018). Because of these laws, people with disabilities have protections against discrimination. While most physical disabilities are recognizable and can be responded to, the burden of invisible disabilities is evident. These disabilities can only be known to the public by being made aware of their existence by the disabled person. They range from visual or auditory impairments in people who do not use aids to mental and musculoskeletal impairments in individuals who do not use mobility support (Disabled World, 2022). Without knowledge of the existence of the disability, people would not know that an individual needed to be protected. The only way for employers and the public to be aware is through disclosure, hence the need for policies and cultures that promote disclosure and protect people with these disabilities. Prince (2017) argues that employers must develop a workplace culture and policies that anticipate these disabilities and encourage people to disclose them. Since these disabilities impair daily life activities, public sensitization and national policies addressing invisible disabilities should be implemented. That way, persons with invisible disabilities will be understood and protected rather than be accused of faking their disabi...
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