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Transactional Leadership in Hospitality (Essay Sample)

the writer is to select a leadership approach and write how it is applied in the hospitality industry. with these instructions, the writer chose the thesis "Leadership, therefore, need to involve certain traits possessed by an individual called a leader. Therefore, sound transactional leadership is required to achieve success in hospitality", source..
Transactional Leadership in Hospitality Transactional Leadership in Hospitality Leadership can be defined as a maintenance and initiation of structure in anticipation and communication. Moreover, it involves a relationship in which an individual person influences other people in order to work together on a willing basis on tasks that are related. The cooperation thus attains what is desirable for the leader (Northouse, 2018). Leadership theories help in explaining and interpreting the behavior of leadership and their effectiveness. Leadership theories involve certain traits. Therefore, examples of such traits include ability, personality, power, motivation, and needs. The major theories in leadership include trait theory, behavioral theories, and great man theory. Others include contingency, situational, participative, management, and relationship theories. ‘Great man theories’ include the leadership theories that describe individuals who are born to lead (Lussier &Achua, 2015). Such individuals possess a certain confidence, charisma, social skills and intelligence. Leadership, therefore, need to involve certain traits possessed by an individual called a leader. Therefore, sound transactional leadership is required to achieve success in hospitality. Literature Review Theory definition Motivation and direction of the followers are the major objectives of the transactional leadership. The followers are directed by majorly appealing to the self-interest of their own (Northouse, 2018). A transactional leadership’s power generally comes from a formal authority that they are accustomed to (Antonakis & Day, 2017). Moreover, the power might come from their responsibilities as heads of certain organizations. Transactional theories involve leadership that motivates the followers through punishing and rewarding them. The reward is done when the follower goes according to the will of leadership while punishment occurs against the leadership objectives (Northouse, 2018). The leadership style involves certain types of exchange. The four dimensions involved in the exchanges include contingent rewards, laissez-faire, active and passive management by exception (Northouse, 2018). In hospitality, contingent rewards involve linking the goals of leadership to the rewards. Expectations are clarified and necessary resources provided (Northouse, 2018). The subordinates are able to make their own decisions in laissez-faire type of leadership. Active management involves lively subordinate monitoring while passive management is the opposite of active management. Principles Transaction leadership, like any other type of leadership, has its own principles. The principles include simplification, motivation, determination, mobilization, preparation, facilitation, and innovation (Lussier &Achua, 2015). Simplification occurs when a transformational leader speaks in a clear and a manner that is practical. Eloquence is thus applied with regard to the direction the members of the organization is headed. The principle of motivation states that employees need motivation in order to perform their best in a company. Leadership that offers motivation is therefore somehow a success by itself (Northouse, 2018). A leader will apply the principle of mobilization to gather the right people to implement the organization’s goal in order to elevate their visions (Lussier &Achua, 2015). The preparation principle requires the leaders to be students who are infinite. The principle, therefore, motives the leaders to have the desire to learn by themselves (Northouse, 2018). Additionally, learning with others is an important undertaking. Facilitation enables the leaders to provide tools that can be used by the employees to help them achieve the required goals. Pros and Cons Transactional leadership involves several advantages. The various advantages include motivation of employees and enhancing goals that are achievable. Moreover, it provides a clear and concise structure (Turner, 2014). The clear structure enables the organization’s workers to be given information beforehand on the expectations of the company so that the objectives and goals are achieved without delay (Antonakis & Day, 2017). The type of leadership also facilitates the production of goods and services by cutting down the costs of producing such goods. With the regard to the motivation of the employees, the leadership is perfect in that sector to ensure good output from the workers. Transactional leadership also comes with disadvantages (Northouse, 2018). The type of leadership can be described as a leadership style that is unyielding. Therefore, the rules and policies in the type of leadership are unbending (Turner, 2014). Transactional leadership does not promote the creativity of the employees. The main reason is that of the ...
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