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Whether Outlawing Controlled Substances Only Creates A Larger Black Market (Essay Sample)
THE QUESTION WAS TO DISCUSS WHETHER Outlawing Controlled Substances CAN Only Create A Larger Black Market source..
Whether Outlawing Controlled Substances Only Creates A Larger Black Market
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In my honest opinion, outlawing of controlled substances such as prescription drugs and other substances like cannabis creates a larger black market for these goods. There are two aspects in this opinion which work together to motivate illegal marketing of these products. One of the aspects is that the substances are already controlled by the government such that not everyone can manufacture them. This means that once the substances become illegal to use, there is a market which will be left in demand for those substances.
Fear of the law is a factor to reckon in every country. No one can be happy to be associated directly with an act that breaks the law. As a result, as soon as the government bans the use of particular controlled substances, the users of those substances start looking for illegal suppliers. The business now starts to boom when the information spreads to the targeted market. The main mode of advertising in this new market is through a word of mouth. Customers inform other potential customers where to get the product and how to get it without being detected by law enforcement agencies.
According to Fendrich, M., Bryan, J. K., & Hooyer, K. (2018), there is always an increase in demand for substances when such goods are outlawed. It is only that this demand is not visible compared to the legal market demand for other products or substitutes. Psychologists Oreg et. Al (2018) have tried to explain this phenomenon by stating that human brain and thinking can by default result to a revolutionary resistance when people feel there is a change of law and perceive that change as a negative one. They usually feel as if they are oppressed but ...
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