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White Teeth By Zadie Smith , Effectively Employed Style (Essay Sample)


Zadie Smith White Teeth Paper
Due: Dec. 7
Length: Two Pages
Choose one of these questions to answer based on your reading of the Zadie Smith novel, White Teeth. Be specific with your examples. As mentioned in class, all of these questions can apply to the book's first half, or the entire book. You can also feel free to base your paper on a combination of these questions.
1.) What are the most telling or interesting ways that characters' images of themselves, their histories, conform with or contradict reality? What do you think the books is trying to present with this irony?
2.) How effective is Smith's writing style in developing character and situations in White Teeth? For instance, does her use of humor and dialect feel appropriate? Why or why not?
3.) The epigraph at the beginning of the book states, “What is past is prologue.” How much does this quote shape your reading of the book?


White Teeth by Zadie Smith
White Teeth has effectively employed writing style to deliver the plot of the novel properly. Unlike other novels such as Dalloway, White Teeth has employed a high amount of quoted speaking to deliver the plot. There is also wide use of capital lettering, formatting, and fonts of the writing White Teeth. Because each character in the novel is from different geographical location, Smith employs different accents to further characterize each person in the play. For example, Smith has used effectively the style of accents to portray that Clara is from Jamaican.
Quotations are an essential part of the novel because they contain each and every character' descriptions of most events, unique accents, thoughts that each and every character carry. This effectively uses of quotations can enable the readers to apprehend properly the concepts and ideas being delivered in the novel. With the use of effective quotations, the readers can build a clear image of what Smith implies. As compared to other plays such as Dalloway which uses descriptive writing in the novel to depict events unfolding and describing the thoughts of the characters through italicizing sentences, White Teeth employs conversation to illustrate to the readers on what is occurring in the play.
Capitalization has been effectively employed by White Teeth. For example, Smith uses capitalization when the twins, Millat and Magid assert that "LIAR PAINTS ON FIRE" (Smith 143) this capitalization is used to portray that the two twins are immature at their age. In addition, capitalization is used when Samad and her wife, Alsana are arguing, this capitalization is used to depicts the erratic and aggressive nature of Samad. It is also used to make it easier for the readers to identify the character traits of both Samad and Alsana. Also, capitalization in the scenario of Alsana and Samad is used to form the epic of the novel. It is actually used to amplify the nature of the two characters.
In the White Teeth, Italics are used effectively and extensively in the novel. The italics use particular unique words and phrases. For example, "To me, it's just like this incredible act of self-control….of self-restraint (Smith 333). These italics are used to portray that Poppy is fascinated by the self-control the people who are non-western like Samad portray. In addition, italics are employed in some instances to present a though which a gi...
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