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World literature (Essay Sample)

SUBJECT: World literature TOPIC: Essay response - NUMBER OF PAGES: 6 NUMBER OF SOURCES: 4 TYPE OF SERVICE: Writing from scratch TYPE OF PAPER: Essay PAGE FORMAT/CITATION STYLE: MLA ACADEMIC LEVEL: Undergraduate DEADLINE: AUGUST 25th 6:00 P.M ( 10 Hours ) INSTRUCTIONS Based on the epic - Paradise Lost or The sorrows of young Werther source..
Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Topic:  Essay response Q.1- Paradise Lost Unlike Biblical record in the Book of Genesis, Paradise Lost by John Milton gives details about the whole story of Man, the start of Satan, his ascent and Man's fall. Even though the thoughts for Paradise Lost originated from a couple of pages in the Book of Genesis, Milton's record kept readers questioning what would occur straightaway. Since he was in contradiction with the church with Paradise Lost, it was all the more charming for him to take similar thoughts in the Bible and expand them into more detail, making Satan resemble the Hero and prevailing at what he needed to do. Satan, the ideal angel, ousted from nothing to the pits of Hell, with no possibility of return, evokes a plan to get revenge, building an inheritance and an armed force to topple the individuals who put him there. God made the Son, Man, Heaven, the angels, Earth and everything else. Milton faced a troublesome assignment with creating tension about what would occur since God knew. In Paradise Lost, God is relatively aloof or emotionless; he epitomizes pure justice, and pure reason. In Genesis God is shrewd and known as the maker and is more the storyteller of what is going on than in Milton's epic. Also, He is alluded to as Lord God, rather than God, similar to Milton alludes to Him. In this way, in both the beginning and fall, Man to summarize the creation and explanation behind human instinct is God gave man unrestrained choice, from man's free will, death and sin came into the earth. Paradise Lost was about Adam and Eve, how they came to be made, the fall of Satan and his adventure to give just desserts to God by corrupting Adam and Eve. The primary plot of this occurred in God's creation called the Garden of Eden. Paradise Lost is like the book of Genesis since its story originates from the primary pages of Genesis, chapters one through four. My theory is: While the Book of Genesis depicts Satan as an evils opponent, Paradise Lost presents him as a more thoughtful character. Maybe not a legend, but rather an anti-legend. An anti-legend is somebody who does not have the qualities of a legend, for example, bravery or being ethically great. In some ways, Milton presents Satan as a modern Prometheus Prometheus was a Greek God, who at any expense offered fire to people; similarly, as it very well may be contended that, at a significantly more noteworthy cost, Satan offered information to people. His character cites the Bible to legitimize his occupation as a contract killer, "The way of the honest man is assailed on all sides by the imbalances of the narrow-minded and the oppression of insidiousness men. Favored is he who for the sake of philanthropy and generosity shepherds the frail through the valley of dimness, for he is his sibling's attendant and the discoverer of lost youngsters. Also, I will hit downward on thee with incredible retaliation and irate resentment the individuals who endeavor to harm and wreck my siblings. Furthermore, you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my retaliation upon thee." [Jeremiah]. In summary, I am contrasting Milton's' account of Paradise and the Bible's account of the Garden of Eden (Fallon, 40). Paradise Lost starts with a preamble by Milton which expresses his motivation and an epic portrayal of Satan who is delineated on his back with other rebellious angels fastened to the pool of fire. Genesis begins saying "to start with, God made the sky and the earth, And God stated, Let there be light, and light was formed, and God isolated the light from the dark" (Genesis). Milton delineates God as a being who you can chat with, as though He was an angel, and no higher than any other person—not even Satan. Before the rebellion, Satan was in the past known as Lucifer; he had been the best angle and second just to God. Other angels who rebelled against God were defeated and thrown down from Heaven into the flames of Hell with Satan. "Hellfire is the place Justice made for the individuals who defy God" (Genesis). For nine days, Satan and his devotees were lying defenseless in the flames of Hell, until the point that Satan became angry, considering every one of the joys he had missed and his constant agony. Glancing around, Satan saw a considerable measure of affliction. Though, he just felt stubborn pride and misery. He knew the flames could never go out and the torment could never end. As Satan looked to one side and saw all his defeated devotees floundering on fire and his right-hand collaborator that Satan following names Beelzebub. Shockingly Satan at long last talks. Milton clarifies the motivation behind why Satan was thrown down into the profundities of Hell since Satan became jealous of God's child. In Book One of Paradise Lost Satan is talking, as though he has freedom. Satan is depicted as this gigantic angel who ascended against God in desire towards God's child and is currently a pioneer who is baffled by the limits put on him. Through despair and pain Satan talks, he converses with Beelzebub and his devotees he discusses another approach to get revenge and discusses a prescience of another world where devils and insidiousness are welcome, And vengeance on God's creation. Satan at that point stirs every one of his chief leaders and legions to ascend in numbers; he gives a discourse that solaces them with any expectation of recovering paradise and in conclusion lets them know of another world. So they construct a kingdom known as Pandemonium and make a council (Detweiler, Robert, & David, 222). About the introduction of Man and Woman, the Book of Genesis says, "At that point, Lord God shaped the man of dust from the ground inhaled into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man turned into a living creature. What's more, the Lord God planted a Garden of Eden, in the east and there he had put the man he had shaped, the tree of life was amidst the garden and the tree of information of good and evil."(Genesis) Milton's' variant of the introduction of Adam in Paradise Lost is to some degree like the book of Genesis. The first human-made by God from the residue of earth, who was created by God after the angels who revolted were vanquished. Comparative in birth yet Genesis did not say much about the war between God and the angels nor a timetable of when the first man became. It was somewhat similar to there was earth, and now there is the man in Genesis. In Paradise Lost it gave the backstory of the war in Heaven and why God made the man. Concerning the second birth, I might want to look at the introduction of Eve in the two books and the introduction of Sin. These are two ladies—one full person and the other half human – half serpent. In the book of Genesis, God made sleep fall upon the man and keeping in mind that dozing, he took one of Adam's ribs and made it into a lady and conveyed her to man, who later named her Eve. Her name is Eve since she was the mother of all "living." In Paradise Lost, Eve is made from Adam's rib as his aide to keep up the Garden of Eden. Before the fall, Eve was created to serve man. Though, Sin was made to help pulverize man. Eve was displayed as submissive to Adam and a degree depende...
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