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Barlin Wall (Essay Sample)
give a summary of the significance of the fall of Berlin wall to the global economy
A summary of the significance of the fall of Berlin wall to the global economy
What grows fast shrivel fast. On the contrary, that which grows slowly endures. This could be the best words to communicate to the builders of the Berlin Wall who brought the wall up in one the night, the night of August 12, 1961. As fast as the wall was elected, it went down in a few decades. The paper gives a summary of this significant event. In doing this, it focuses on answering the question, ‘‘what is the significance of the fall in of the Berlin wall in the global economy?’’
The significance of the fall of Berlin wall
The fall began in 1989 when exist points were opened to Germans from East Germany, who wanted to escape to the west. Afterwards, it was announced that permanent relocations could be made. People quickly responded to the announcement and the wall was flooded with people from either sides of Germany. The wall was subsequently brought down. (Aboutcom, 2015)
The wall was a sign of the Cold War. Following its fall, there was a big celebration all over the world. There was a total transformation of East Germany politics. The communists no longer had much influence in Germany as before. With the fall of the wall, the Soviet power construction weakened. People could now start jobs on their own, move freely and access to foreign media. The fall of the wall also inspired liberation of Africa. Particularly, the call on the end apartheid in South Africa was inspired by the fall of Berlin wall. (Hubpagescom, 2015). Therefore, with the fall of the wall came freedom and freedom empo...
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