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Humanities (Essay Sample)

This task involved writing an essay on the causes and consequences of the fall of the Roman Empire. The sample essay discusses political instability, economic issues, and external pressures as primary causes of the decline, and examines the subsequent rise of barbarian kingdoms and the transition to medieval Europe. It concludes by emphasizing the profound impact of Rome's fall on European history, marking the shift from ancient to medieval times and the eventual emergence of modern Europe. source..
Firstname Lastname Instructor's Name Course Number Date The Causes and Consequences of the Fall of the Roman Empire Introduction The fall of the Roman Empire is among those events that turned the course of history in the development of Western civilization between ancient history and the Middle Ages. The Roman Empire was formed in 27 BC. It became a brilliant example of statehood, culture, and military artistry, leaving its mark on vast territories from the British Isles to the Near East. By the late 5th century CE, the great empire had worn down due to internal and external pressures. This essay shall explore the leading causes and consequences of the fall of the Roman Empire: how political instability, economic problems, and pressure from outsiders enabled its decline, and also how this collapse made a significant impact on European civilization. The fall of Roman imperial expansion was a critical turn of events in the empire's life. Augustus halted further territorial conquests and instructed his heir to keep the empire within the limits of its existing territories (Cornell 142). New resources were effectively denied to Rome; the latter experienced growing political instability at home, leading to military disaster after disaster. The defeat at the Battle of Teutoburg Forest in 9 CE exposed the limitations of the empire's military, and increasing barbarian invasions put pressure on resources and forced reliance upon mercenaries at the expense of traditional values regarding the military. The decline of the Roman Empire was also due to significant economic issues and social changes. Severe monetary inflation and over-reliance on slavery undermined productivity, causing society to deteriorate to excessive decay (Gibbon 43). These financial aspects were the debasement of Roman currency, which caused runaway inflation, eroded people's wealth, and destabilized the economy by devaluing currency. Furthermore, Paul Erdkamp adds that climate change greatly affected food shortages, straining the empire's resources by increasing them. Crop failures and food scarcity were frequent, thus making the population weak, while barbarian invasions and migrations put extra pressure from outside; aggregate external forces overwhelmed Rome's defenses, making it collapse. The Roman Empire's fall had immediate and long-term consequences. The Roman empire's collapse caused the authorities to lose centralized control and gave way in several cases to successor states of different kinds. These led to the barbarian kingdoms exploiting this power vacuum and occupying the Romans' former territories. This drastically changed the political scene from what had characterized Rome's reign. As has been observed, Ramsay MacMullen puts forward the view that, in the long term, the fall accelerated a shift away from the Roman world into medieval Europe, characterized by feudal systems and domination by the Catholic Church. It ended Ancient Roman civilization and led to the Middle Ages period, which eventually grew into modern-day Europe. The fall of Rome was accompanied by immense cultural and social changes, among them the decline of urban centers and a shift toward rural and agricultural economies that set European history on its course for centuries. In conclusion, the fall of the Roman Empire is one of the most significant events in human history: many factors bring dramatic changes politically, militarily, economically, socially, and climatically. Politically and militarily, the end of Roman imperial expansion and internal instability undermined t...
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