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Wright Brothers History Essay Research Coursework Paper (Essay Sample)


The paper examines the success of the wright brother is invention of the first flying machine.


Success of the Wright Brothers
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In a family of five children, Wilbur wright was a middle son born in the year 1867, in Indiana. Orville wright was the younger brother born in the year 1871. The two siblings were playmates and grew together. Neither Orville nor Wilbur got an opportunity for college education, unlike their younger sister Katherine. Their father Milton Wright who was a preacher bought the boys a small model helicopter, which fascinated the brothers and developed passion and interest in flying and aeronautics.
Wilbur was intelligent and bright child, who excelled and performed well in school. Unfortunately, Wilbur’s intention and plans to further his education and enrol in Yale University were altered by an accident he got in a hockey game. Consequently, he was compelled to spend most of his time reading books and taking care of their mother Susan. In the fall of 1889, the wright brothers established a newspaper, where Orville was the publisher, and Wilbur edited the papers.

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