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Cloud Computing (Essay Sample)

The apa formatted document is an academic task for a student written to fulfill classwork needs and more so enable the student to understand the topic of cloud computing in details. source..
CLOUD COMPUTING NAME OF STUDENT NAME OF SCHOOL SUBMITTED TO DATE Cloud computing Introduction "Cloud computing refers to a network that distributes processing power, applications, and large systems among many computers." Gandhi & Kumbharana, (2014). Involves the use of internet hosted servers as the major tools for management, processing, storage and manipulation of data and information instead of using personal or local computer. "It may be interpreted to mean data center hosting and then subsequently dismissed without catching the improvements to hosting called utility computing that permit near real time, policy based control of computing resources." Winans & Brown (2009). The concept involves large application of the internet as the major computing architecture. A number of accounts can be employed or used in cloud computing such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft. Effective cloud computing capabilities call for integration of a large of number of services that when put into consideration achieves the required goals and objectives in computing. According to Sriram & Khajeh-Hosseini (2010), cloud computing "It represents a shift away from computing as a product that is purchased, to computing as a service that is delivered to consumers over the internet from large scale data centres or clouds." The article focuses on two major "Platform as a service (PaaS)" or "Software as a Service (SaaS)" and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), that is, Microsoft cloud and Google cloud. Microsoft Cloud Microsoft azure is among the top most common cloud computing platforms which was developed as a Microsoft brand architectural platform for cloud computing. It is used for building, managing and deploying services and application through global networking of centers managed by Microsoft. Microsoft Azure provides both PaaS and IaaS services and supports different tools and frameworks, programming languages both Microsoft specific and those designed for different brands. The systems provide a variety of services to end user and can therefore be applied distinctively among a variety of applications. Microsoft cloud may fail to operate in areas where individuals are exposed to unavailability of uninterrupted internet access. With the help of Azure platform, Microsoft has managed to stand out among other platforms as it focuses on convincing the base customers to employ the use of cloud infrastructure other than their own servers. Microsoft remains a unique and best brand to it ability to support and serve multiple services at the same time. Google Cloud computing Google cloud computing offers hosting on similar infrastructure as that which Google uses internally for end-user products as YouTube and Google search. The enterprise offers a wide range of services with a host of development tools. Such services include: data storage, hosting and computing, prediction APIs and translations APIs. Google offers far simplicity in use as compared to Microsoft. Google platforms are considered as muddied as they are lumped in with those for Google play and the company’s hardware ventures. Google cloud services are however cheaper as compared to...
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