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IT Support Troubleshooting: Network Connectivity Issue (Essay Sample)

A user called to report that they could not connect to the company’s wired or wireless network. Help this remote user troubleshoot an issue that they are having with their system. Write the questions you would ask to identify the issue’s cause and include two or three follow-up questions that you might ask depending on the responses received from the remote user. Include techniques that you would use to identify the cause. Review the required resources for this module and gather more information from credible resources if needed. source..
Student Institution Course Professor Date To the Director of IT, XYZ Company. RE: IT Support Troubleshooting: Network Connectivity Issue Following a support request by one of our remote network users, I hereby stipulate an outline for their guidance in responding to the issue of connectivity. The following guidelines will help in determining the cause of the connectivity issue and be able to determine whether is hardware-related software or network configuration errors. Information gathering IT support is based on the question “What, When, and How questions” (Halsey, 2019). Gathering information on what the remote user is experiencing helps in executing the troubleshooting successfully and can be achieved through interrogating the remote user; * Are you experiencing connectivity issues with both wired and wireless networks? * Is this the first time you are experiencing connectivity issues or it has happened before? * Did you make updates on the software that may have caused the connectivity problem? Maybe network drivers or an update to your operating system. * What action did you take to sort out the connectivity issue? Did that help you? * Do you get any error messages when you try to connect to the network? If yes, what is the error message? For clarity, it is important to have follow-up questions that will help you decide what the issue is and how to troubleshoot the connectivity problem; * Confirm if the remote user cannot connect to both wired and wireless networks, “Can you connect to any other network apart from the company network? (This question helps to be certain that the device they are using is okay if it can connect to other networks). * Confirm if they are having connectivity problems with either wired or wireless network; Did plug in the ethernet cable properly? Did you input the wired network password properly? I will proceed to analyze the possible cause of the connectivity problem. I will appreciate their time and helpful responses. Request them if I can keep them on hold as I scrutinize your problem to give you ...
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